with Beatrice

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Bye Rosalie( says Adam leaving the house and heading home)

Beatrice: producat illum ad me ( says casting the spell and Adam fell down) this is going to be fun ( she says, she's only been alive for a day and got so much done all she needed was to unlink herself from Ruby spell)

Beatrice brought Adam to her little Hideout, 2 hours later Adam woke up

Beatrice: finally you're awake ( says and adam looked at her)

Adam: who are you (ask)

Beatrice:Beatrice (says)

Adam: as in Brooklyn's dead mother (says)

Beatrice:(chuckles) you could say that

Adam: why am I here

Beatrice:your rosalie's friend right (ask)

Adam: yeah why

Beatrice: I need you to spy on my daughter and her friends to see what they're planning against me and report back

Adam: why not do it yourself (says)

Brooklyn: I'm linked to Ruby's magic making her tell me not to do anything so I need you to do it instead (says)

Adam: I'm not helping you (says)

Beatrice: I know that's why I'm making this (says)

Adam: what is that (ask)

Brooklyn: this will make you do things I want you to do but still act like yourself in everyone's eye ( says putting everything on the table) here we go

Adam:back up ( says trying to back up,Beatrice injected him with a serum and grabbed his head)

Beatrice:(starts chanting)cogit emittere per spatium magicae lucis cardidi Er Nigri tom longe ad nos daeman nia belthazer ( says and Adam started to scream, thirty minutes of hearing Adam scream he passed out)

Beatrice: there, won't be long ( says and went upstairs)

the next day in the morning Adam shot up and look around

Adam: where am I, what's going on (says looking around)

You're finally awake ( Adam look to see Beatrice)

Adam: what did you do to me (says angrily)

Beatrice: just a little spell to control you (smiles) now I need you to keep seeing rosalie and win her heart

Adam: im not doing that (says)

Beatrice: Oh I thought you liked her (says)

Adam: I do uh not because you say so (says angrily)

Beatrice: (gets anger) you will do as I say Adam whether you like it or not I control you so you have no say in this got it ( says an adam nod fast because Beatrice giving him a migraine) good

Adam: (sighs in relief) so what do you want me to do first

Beatrice: get close to them, win their trust

Adam: what about Bonnie she will sense something different about me and will tell the others (says)

Beatrice: I know, that's why I clocked you so she won't have any reason to find you so she won't sense anything (says)

Adam:and next (ask)

Beatrice: next tell me what they're planning so I can use it against them, when the time is right I want hope's blood got it (says and he nodded)

Adam: why not get it yourself ( says and gets another migraine) okay okay fine

Beatrice:(smirks) let the party begin

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