A Ball Part 1

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Bonnie: tell me why do you have to go to this party (ask)

Brooklyn: because if we don't she'll come after hope and we don't want that (says)

Katherine: besides this will be fun, everyone is coming (says fixing her dress)

Rosalie: great just what we need it are you sure it's best to take hope with us (ask)

Brooklyn: yes because we can protect her together and I don't trust some people to watch her while we're gone (says)

Bonnie: you girls ready (they nodded) okay let's go

Rosalie: wait where are the guys (ask)

Katherine: they're meeting us there (says and she nods)

Brooklyn: come on Hope (picks up hope) time for your first ball

She says and soon they were on their way

She says and soon they were on their way

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Hope's dress

Katherine's dress

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Katherine's dress

Katherine's dress

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Brooklyn's dress

Brooklyn's dress

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Bonnie's dress

Bonnie's dress

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Rosalie dress

They made it to the ball, they got out of the car and headed in, when they was in they saw the ballroom it was really beautiful

They made it to the ball, they got out of the car and headed in, when they was in they saw the ballroom it was really beautiful

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Bonnie: this is beautiful (says looking around)

Katherine:it sure its (says)

Brooklyn: girls we have to be on the lookout (says holding hope)

Both:fine (says)

Rosalie: girls there's the others (says,the three looked and saw marcel, james, celeste, Stefan and aria)

Brooklyn:why is aria here (ask glaring at her)

Katherine: be nice Brooklyn (smirks)

Brooklyn: (rolls her eyes) me and hope are going to dance (says and leaves)

Katherine:she's jealous (says)

Rosalie: well she shouldn't be she's better than aria and Stefan is a dumb shit who can't see it (says and Rosalie leaves)

Bonnie: well that went great (says, Katherine rolled her eyes and the others came to them)

Aria: hey what happened with Rosalie and Brooklyn we saw them leave (says)

Katherine: it's not really your business where they went (says)

Stefan:katherine (looks at her)

Katherine: and there you go again Stefan always defending the poor innocent weak little human

Aria: I am not weak (says glaring at her)

Katherine: keep telling yourself that (says)

Ladies, ladies no reason to fight

They all turned to see Beatrice

Marcel: you must be Beatrice cullen (says)

Beatrice: yes I am and you must be my daughter's adopted Son, well you're not much of a son to her anyway ( says smirking and Marcel was trying not to rip her head off)

Brooklyn: enough, Beatrice why did you want us here ( says walking to them with Hope on her hip and rosalie behind them)

Beatrice: I just wanted to get to know you (smirks)

Brooklyn: the same old excuse, wow you really are desperate (says)

Beatrice:(gets annoyed) you're making this really difficult Brooklyn

Brooklyn: well let's get straight to the point what do you want (glares at her)

Beatrice: I need to perform a spell a powerful one but I need hope's blood

Brooklyn: and how much blood are we talkin about (ask)

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