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In Town Square marcel and aria runs in to see stefan and Beatrice holding a crying hope

Marcel: LET GO OF HER RIGHT NOW (says)

Stefan: Marcel what a nice surprise welcome to the party

Marcel: stop you don't want to do something you regret

Stefan: I'm pretty sure I don't regret anything that happened tonight

Marcel: so you don't regret the fact that the mother of your child is suffering in the woods right now (says)

Stefan: she was collateral damage (says)

Aria: do you also see that into me too (ask)

Stefan doesn't say anything

Beatrice: enough of this I waited for a thousand years for this and I am not stopping, give me hope's blood now (says)

Stefan: wait I still want hope alive so put aria blood into her (says)

Marcel: NO I will not allow it Brooklyn would not allow it

Stefan: where is she then, Brooklyn is not here to stop us now is she (smirks)

But soon out of nowhere a wolf jumped on Stefan and bit his neck

Stefan:AHHHHHH (says pushing the wolf off)

Aria: is that Brooklyn (ask)

Marcel: it is (says)

Wolf Brooklyn looked at her baby before looking at Beatrice growling

Beatrice: you can't stop me Brooklyn I always get what I want

But today you won't ( says and katherine bite into her neck and drain her of her blood before snapping her neck)

Bonnie picked up hope and Brooklyn looked at her

Bonnie: I'm so sorry this happened to You Brooklyn I will find a way to save you (says) but as you know we're in town and people can't see you you have to go

Wolf Brooklyn nodded before looking at her daughter and then leaving

Aria: how are we going to save Stefan ( says running to his side)

Adam: we'll let him suffer for a bit before  giving him some of hope's blood (says)

And with that a few days later a full moon came around, Brooklyn change the back before putting on a dress and walking to Marcel and Hope

And with that a few days later a full moon came around, Brooklyn change the back before putting on a dress and walking to Marcel and Hope

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Brooklyn: hey baby ( says picking up hope kissing her cheek) I missed you so much

Marcel: Brooklyn it's going to be a while before Bonnie can turn you back (says)

Brooklyn: why (ask)

Marcel: it turns out this spell is not normal and it's a new spell that your mother created so it's going to be a while to reverse it (says) bonnie is going to try and summon her ancestors to see if they can help

Brooklyn: I can't live another day without hope (says)

Marcel: I know I know but you're going to have to be a little patient for trying everything we can to save you

Brooklyn: sorry it's just being a wolf tighten my emotions my anger and rage for stefan that I was taking it out on you sorry

Marcel: hey it's not your fault you have every right to be angry you're the one suffering here (says)

Brooklyn: (starts crying) I don't want to be  like this for all of Hope's Life I can't imagine missing everything, even if I do promise me

Marcel: don't say that before we will fix you

Brooklyn: please Marcel promise me, promise me that you won't let hope forget about me

Marcel: of course I won't, you're her mother

Brooklyn: they were right I try to keep a hope safe but instead I made it worse and now I'm suffering the consequences of not seeing her everyday,if I'm not really in her life Marcel promise me that you'll be the best brother can be

Marcel: I promise you Brooklyn, but I think it's best for hope to meet you (says)

Brooklyn: (look up at the sky) the full moon is almost over I'm going to turn soon, get hope and yourself home and out of here

Marcel: I promised you mom you will get out of there (says)

Brooklyn: I know baby I love you, the both of you,my babies please take care of each other when I'm not around please ( says before turning around running away from them)

Marcel: I love you to mom (says and leaves with hope, after everything they've been through there's always one person who has to sacrifice everything and suffer others consequences, but they managed to pull through and defeat the ones who tried to kill them once and for all)

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