with the others

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Brooklyn: come on stefan pick up (says calling him)

Katherine: is he answering

Brooklyn: no what do we do

Bonnie: we need a plan to protect hope

Brooklyn: how what's your plan

Bonnie: we take hope somewhere, where Beatrice cant do magic

Katherine: and what is that place

Bonnie: the lunar bar, it's spelled so no one can do magic not me not hope nor Beatrice

Brooklyn: okay but how long can it hold us

Bonnie: it can hold us long enough to think of a plan

Katherine: why not just run

Rosalie: it may have worked for you katherine but not for us

Brooklyn: they're right katherine running is never the answer

Katherine: oh so it was the right thing to do when you run off with hope month ago (says angrily)

Brooklyn: what is your problem with me (says standing up)

Katherine: my problem is the choice you're making to keep hope safe, this is Hope's life were talking about, sometimes it's good to fight but sometime it's worth to just run to keep the ones you love safe (says) we all care about hope, not just you Brooklyn this is your mother trying to kill hope not ours we can't stop her she's more experienced than all of us, we have to run

Brooklyn: you feel that way (ask)

Katherine: I do

Brooklyn: I can't katherine we need to stop her once and for all

Katherine: fine it's your daughter's funeral so is everyone else I'm just glad I'm not going to see (says and walks away)

Brooklyn: you're leaving

Katherine: yes you made it very clear that it's your choice to make and not ours (says and leaves)

Brooklyn: guys (looks at them)

Bonnie: let's just get moving (says and they headed out)

They made it to the bar

Brooklyn: are you sure this is safe (says holding hope)

Bonnie: yes for now (says putting hope things out)

Hope then started crying

Brooklyn: hey it's okay mommy's here (says trying to calm down hope)

Then the others came in

Adam: we were not followed (says sitting down as rosalie sat next to him)

Brooklyn: good (says shaking a sleepy hope) what's next

Marcel: we find out where the hell is Stefan

Brooklyn: I tried calling him but he's not answering

Adam: we need to think of something fast

Rosalie: maybe Katherine is right (says and they looked at her) this is Hope's life we're putting in danger maybe instead of running we give hope to a family

Brooklyn: hell no, I'm not giving my daughter up, I will protect her but I'm not giving her up she's the best thing that happened to me rosalie (says)

Rosalie: I know but what else to do

Brooklyn: not giving her up for sure think of something else that doesn't involve sending her away

Adam: run together leave town and start a new life it's best to run but also we still have each other (says)

Brooklyn: fine let's get out of town ( says they got up but was stopped)

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