with Brooklyn

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With Brooklyn and hope in Mystic Falls, Brooklyn stopped at a house, she took hope out the car putting her in her stroller before heading to the door, she knocked on the door and someone opened it

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With Brooklyn and hope in Mystic Falls, Brooklyn stopped at a house, she took hope out the car putting her in her stroller before heading to the door, she knocked on the door and someone opened it

Brooklyn: Josette laughlin (smiles)

Jo: Brooklyn Mikaelson (says laughing)

Brooklyn:well its cullen now (says and she nods)

Jo: and who is this (says looking at Hope)

Brooklyn: well this is my daughter hope (says) she is 6 months

Jo: she looks just like you (says)

Brooklyn:yeah (smiles)

Jo: so what are you doing here(ask)

Brooklyn: I wanted to come see you since I'm in town, it's been a while since we saw each other (says and she nods)

Jo: come in (says and they came in)

They sat in her living room

Jo: you look different what happened (ask)

Brooklyn: when I was pregnant with hope, it was a dangerous pregnancy, hope was like a siphoner witch sucking up my vampirism  leaving me in my wolf state, short story I died minutes after I gave birth to her (says)

Jo:(looks at her) oh my I'm so sorry that happened to you (says)

Brooklyn: it's okay I'm here now (says)

Alaric: Jo I got the soup you wanted ( says coming in but stops to see Brooklyn)who are you

Jo: Alaric this is my friend Brooklyn and her daughter hope (says)

Alaric:hello (shakes her hand)

Brooklyn: hi it's nice to meet you (says)

Alaric: same, so how you meet Jo (ask)

Brooklyn: we met in 1995, Jo was in town one day needed help picking up her life so I helped and we became good friends (says and jo nods)

Alaric: so you've been friends for 17 years ( says and they nodded) and this is Hope, how old is she

Brooklyn: she is 6 months ( says picking up hope and putting her on her lap as hope played with her hair)

Alaric: who's the father (ask)

Jo: alaric (warns him) it's her business

Brooklyn: it's okay, it's a long story Alaric and a complicated one too (says)

Alaric: sorry im just-

Brooklyn: trying to get to know me (says)

Alaric: yeah because Jo never told me about you (says)

Brooklyn: it's because we went our own way since Jo wanted to stay out of the supernatural world (says) I better get going ( says standing up holding hope)

Jo: it was nice seeing you again and please call me once in awhile (says)

Brooklyn: I will Jo I promise you that, don't want hope to not know one of her aunts (says and Jo smiles) it was nice meeting you Alaric

Alaric: You to Brooklyn( says as he and Jo walked her and hope out the door)

Brooklyn: I'll see you guys in another lifetime (says smiling)

Jo: of course, see you in another lifetime (says and they laughed) bye

Brooklyn:bye (says and heads to her car, she put hope in the car and her stroller in the trunk before she got in) well hope time to move somewhere else hopefully permanent (she says before driving off to another town)

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