meeting Beatrice

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Are you sure (says stefan)

Bonnie: yes I felt it Beatrice is alive (says)

Katherine: how and now (says)

Brooklyn: with the help of someone named Ruby and Chelsea

Marcel: Ruby, James and Celeste's witch friend (says)

Brooklyn: does she have brown hair and light brown skin (they nod) then that's your girl, they came and stole mine and hope's blood

Stefan:what,are you ok (ask)

Brooklyn: we're fine stefan we're Cullens we can handle a little scratch (says)

Rosalie: we have to look out for them and just in case, they're going to come back(says)

Katherine: well you're going to have to wait me, Brooklyn and hope plan a day together and no we're not missing it (says)

Brooklyn: she's right I promise a day will pick up tomorrow (they nod) lets go

They got hope who is playing with her stuff animals and went to the park/at the park

Katherine: so how do you feel about all of this (ask)

Brooklyn: I don't know really everything is changing now no matter how much I want hope to have a safe life there is always someone trying to ruin it (says)

Katherine: that's life for you, you can't keep protecting Hope from evil or expect her to have a safe life, she's going to experience it anyway when she gets older (says)

Brooklyn: I know but I don't want her to experience it at a young age (says)

Katherine: I understand (says)

Wow you really have grown (says)

The two turn around to see a woman

Katherine: who are you (ask)

Beatrice:call me Beatrice (says smiling)

Brooklyn: my God you're her (says protecting hope)

Beatrice: it's okay I don't want to hurt hope well not yet anyway (says)

Brooklyn: what do you want (glares at her)

Beatrice: I wanted to see you (says) I never got a chance to raise or teach you thanks to your father (says)

Brooklyn: don't speak of my father that way (glares at her)

Beatrice: such loyalty, one thing he taught you that was right (says)

Katherine: she said what do you want (says)

Beatrice: I want to invite you to a ball if you don't come bad things will happen to Hope, but it would be best to bring her so you can keep an eye on her and see if I'm telling the truth about not hurting her (says)

Brooklyn: and why should we trust you (says)

Beatrice: you don't have to, just be there, that's all I want just quality family time (says) I can bring you friends if you want I won't stop you

Katherine: why did you really come back (ask)

Beatrice: I'm pretty sure you know, to finish what I started ( says and she was gone and hope started crying)

Katherine: I got a bad feeling about this (says)

Brooklyn: me to ( says and trying to calm down Hope) we need to let the others know

Katherine: it's been awhile since I've been to a party I can finally use that dress that is sitting in my closet (says)

Brooklyn: really our lives are about to be in danger and you're worried about wanting to wear a dress to the ball

Katherine: I got the look amazing while protecting hope ( Brooklyn rolls her eyes and the two headed home)

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