Death of Ruby

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Weeks after the ball Beatrice was facing the wrath of Ruby, Chelsea was just sitting at the back watching

Ruby: why would you go behind my back, I've been gone for a few weeks and your already started a war

Beatrice: you were already going to start a war with your Reckless plans (says)

Ruby: my reckless plan you were the one with the plan to see your daughter who by the way wants nothing to do with you (says)

Beatrice: I've been around way longer than you have little witch I know what I'm doing (says glaring at her)

Chelsea: she's got a point ruby (says)

Ruby:shut up Chelsea, unless you want to choke on blood,I suggest you shut up (says and Chelsea stayed quiet)

Beatrice: I be nice to her you might know when you'll need her (says)

Ruby: and why would I need her she's useless (says and Chelsea looked hurt)

Beatrice: no maybe you're just useless (says)

Ruby:what-( got cut off when she was thrown into a wall)

Beatrice: while you were gone I found a way to unlink myself from me (says and grab her neck) and I'm going to keep my promise about killing you ( says about to snap her neck but Chelsea stopped her) I guess you want to die too

Chelsea:RUN (stays and the two started running out into the woods)

Beatrice: this is going to be fun (smirks and walks after them)

With the two witches running to hide

Chelsea: she's coming (says)

Ruby:shhh, She's gone crazy now (says)

Beatrice: where are you Ruby, Chelsea come out come out wherever you are I will find you and end your death quickly (says)

Chelsea: no thanks I like to stay alive (says quietly)

Then Beatrice used magic and blast where they was hiding

Beatrice: found you (says smirking)

The two started to run but Beatrice grabbed Ruby and held her up

Chelsea:RUBY (yells running back)

Ruby: don't Chelsea run now (yells out)

Chelsea didn't want to leave but she did anyway as she got far away she heard Ruby scream and soon everything went quiet and she knew Ruby was dead, she needed to find a place where she would be safe from Beatrice and she knew it will be Where Brooklyn is so she left to find Brooklyn

With Beatrice after when she killed ruby she burned her body to the ground

Beatrice: your next Chelsea ( says and leaves while Ruby's body Burns)

With Brooklyn calming a crying hope down, hope had cut herself by her toys, but her cut already healed but hope was still upset, Brooklyn was calming hope down when she heard a knock on the door, she open the door and saw a blonde girl

Brooklyn: what the hell do you want (flares at her)

Chelsea: please I need your help (says)

In the living room with everyone

Katherine: Ruby is dead (ask and Chelsea nods) and why are you here

Chelsea: because she's going to kill me I know I brought Beatrice back with the help of Ruby but she tricked us

Brooklyn: and why should we believe anything you say (says)

Chelsea: because I know what Beatrice is planning (says)

Marcel: and that is (ask)

Chelsea: do you know that vampire guy named Adam

Rosalie: what about him (looks at her)

Chelsea:Beatrice used Magic on him to spy on you or forced to spy on you, she wanted Adam to earn rosalie's trust first before any of you since there friends

Bonnie: how do you know that

Chelsea: Beatrice it's not a very quiet, in plus I heard Adam scream in the basement

Rosalie: how do we free him

Chelsea: you need a bennett witch's blood that's where Bonnie comes in, it's a spell a long time ago created by Bonnie's ancestor around the time where Beatrice was alive (says) it should be in a grimoire

Bonnie: how do we know you're not lying

Chelsea: why would I lie if my life is in danger, I want to help I know you can't trust me, but trust me when I say it will help save hope life (says)

Brooklyn:(thinks) fine we'll help you but if you betray us Beatrice it's not going to be the one to kill you I will

Chelsea nods and they all soon got to work

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