D- 2

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Sexual scenes up ahead. Proceed at your own risk.



Chirps from birds outside danced in my ears as my consciousness started to wake. The warm caress of the sun touched my cheeks and fluttered my lashes, the orangey light gently coaxing my eyes to open. My blurry gaze cleared and stayed focused to the ceiling where the rays of morning light bounced, even though the brightness burned my eyes a little, instead of looking away, the feeling of content blanketed me encouraging me to fix my gaze on it for a little longer.

Seeing Ryder still asleep next to me made me want to join him, but I stretched and gently got up. Not a stir came from him when I left the bed to go to the bathroom.

The face that stared back at me in the mirror had hollow cheeks and tired eyes a few weeks ago, now she had a bit of chub in her cheeks, healthy-content even.

I didn't want Ryder to go. The thought that danger loomed over that mission-his every mission-unsettled me no matter how skilled they were, the perfectly balanced scale of possibilities can tip the wrong pan and flush all of their efforts down the drain. If things turn for the worse even their life might vanish.

I would try and be supportive of Ryder's decisions, I would try to keep the storm brewing in me that was my resolve from breaking, and pray to god that this would all end in victory on our side. I believe in him, that he'll get through this and we would all be finally at ease.

I sighed and patted my water-splashed face with towel.

I padded back to lie down on the bed to warm my marble kissed feet. I turned on my side and watched my husband sleep.

Three days to go until their mission. No only two days left.

I wanted to offer my help as I knew how to handle firearms, but I doubt they would need it since they were all pros and I was just a neophyte. I didn't want to just stay put and wait for it all to finish, however that was what Ryder thought was the right thing for me to do so I would just go with it.

Ryder's relaxed and peaceful face compelled my hand to lightly touch his eyebrows, the softness of them was fascinating and a few more strokes made his eyelids flutter open. His pale-blue eyes peeked from under his thick, long lashes and my heart stuttered when he sleepily smiled.

He blinked a few times before stretching and along with extending his limbs was the deep, long groan that did things to my lady bits. Add the fact that his muscles seemed to bunch at what he was doing made me bite and suck my lower lip to check if I was drooling.

Nope, no drool. Yet.

Ryder reached out and gently gathered me in the security of his embrace. Of course I melted against him and pressed my cheek to his chest the one with his tattoos.

"Good morning." He rasped in my hair. "You woke up too early, baby."

I looked up and met his gaze. "What do you want for breakfast?" I pressed feather-light kisses on his chin, because that was all I could reach.

"Hmm," he pursed his lips. "I'm good, breakfast is served."

A loud gasp. That was all I could muster when he suddenly hoisted me up and sat me straddling on his hard abdomen. My surprise lasted only for seconds before my instinct took over. My hands roamed the planes of his torso and every second of it was like molten lava slowly piling up my core. The thrill of sliding my hands on his clavicle, to his chest and farther down to his abs was ecstasy. The deep breaths he took at every touch did nothing but fuel the fire within me.

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