"I'm Sorry."

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The moment was short-lived when his face turned serious. "Turned out that the fucking bastard was dealing with illegal drugs and you were about to become collateral to a deal he was trying to get done.—"

"Wha—" I cut him off, he cut me off back with a chaste kiss on the lips. That sure shut me up.

"According to his confession after a very fun interrogation, he didn't care about you and was just using your accommodations to fucking get by—took a few of his teeth and fingers after that." I wanted to ask where he was incarcerated so that I could go there and beat him myself.

"He fucking told me everything. Who was the boss, who were the muscles. After that, I dumped him at the nearest police station. I wanted to kill him, baby, I wanted to do it so bad, but I wouldn't make it easy for him. No." He clenched his jaw.

"I was in my office the next day, planning to take them out, gathering some people I know that were willing to work for a prize, when an envelope arrived at the company addressed to me. When I opened it, there was a key and an address...and your picture in it. I was suspicious, I thought the senders were a part of your douche's associates and that they had you. I panicked. I went out and drove as fast as I could with just my gun and a spare mag as a weapon."

"You could've gotten yourself killed." My heart pounded at the thought of him going to dangerous locations without back-up.

"I would have sacrificed everything just to get you out of there, baby. But luck was on my side, you were not there."

Yup, I was not, I was at work and didn't have any idea that my husband was in danger. Oh wait, I was still holding on to my anger for him at that time and never even grazed my mind that he could be endangered. Tides of guilt washed over me.

I touched his cheeks, his thick eyelashes that never seemed to fail to amaze me, just to ease the remorse I was feeling. The scene I witnessed in the club came flooding that I immediately withdrew my hands and rested them back on my lap.

"The men inside were...military people, and they asked me to join them, they told me that your life would always be in danger as long as the criminals who my team, when I was a cop encountered, roam freely. So I agreed, I wouldn't be able to live if something happened to you because of me, baby." The pale-blue eyes that held my eyes captive, glazed for a couple of seconds, and then he shook it off.

"They later briefed me about Rebecca Alastair, alias White Queen, she's good at covering her tracks and her M.O. 's to disguise as a different person to avoid complications on her identity. That's why she acted as a stripper, baby."

I stared at him, he stared back.

There was a very pregnant silence that loomed over us. I could tell there was more to it than what he told me.

I continued to stare at him, urging him.

"That's all I can tell you, baby. The rest is classified." With that said, he lifted me off the counter and started to walk. I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist to hang on.

"Where are we going?"

He looked up to me. His pale blues shining and then his gaze returned behind me. "To the media room. We'll watch a movie." Just like the old times.

Maybe I could let go, for now? Maybe I couldn't? Hearing him talk earlier sort of clicked all the puzzle pieces in my head into places, but could I be with him again?

He clearly didn't cheat, which was an embarrassment—a huge one— on my part for not trusting him and for leaving him.

I left him for nothing—nothing but my accusations! I feel like I was the one who should be saying sorry and groveling not him.

He sat me down on the black, leather couch and sat close next to me.

"Baby what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" His forehead wrinkled as he looked at me.

My eyes burned. "I'm sorry." I blurted.

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