Naked and Writhing Underneath You

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The fury in my veins urged me to go and fuck up Cassandra, I swear that woman was nuts since the beginning. They kicked Nara out of their house and told her not to expect anything from them, and then her fucking bitch of a sister suddenly wants her dead.

Wow, they must really love her so much.

I was seething. I wanted them dead. They were not her family—not anymore, not ever—I was.

My eyes landed on my wife as she began to stir. Watching her peaceful face, clawed my heart as I picture her taking the shitty news I was about to tell her.

She would cry, this I knew. Despite the things that those assholes did to her she still loved them.

"Baby." I said softly. Fuck! This is like the sea backing up in the ocean before the tsunami. I didn't want to tell her, but she needed to know and she would want to know.


I heard Ryder's rough, soft voice as I stirred from my nap.

"There's something you need to know."

I already knew that it was a bad news from the ominous tone of his voice. "What is it?"

There were several seconds of pause. "The mind behind the shootout earlier was taken in today." I sensed a another sentence coming. "And she's someone you know."

She? Someone I knew? I didn't have any clue to who was that person. "Who?"

I could see the battle in Ryder's eyes; whether to tell me or not. It had come to this so, he might as well.

"It's your sister. Cassandra."

I frowned. I don't understand. Cassandra could do this? Why?

"There must be some kind of misunderstanding." I waited for the information to fully sink in, I waited for the violent streak to come, I waited for the denial, but neither all came.

"She confessed."

My head turned to the direction of the voice and clashed with a pair of stunning emerald eyes.

"She didn't deny anything Miss Griffin—"

"Colton. And it's missus." Ryder grunted.

I took the stranger in. He was handsome in a model-rock star way. His short, neon-blue hair stood in spikes. He had a muscled, lean body and tall, almost as tall as my husband and he was wearing a black shirt with an alien head logo at the center, he had his arms crossed on his chest, stretching the fabric. Despite his appearance, he emitted this elegance that he somehow belonged in a family with wealth.

"I'm Gid." He presented me his hand and shook mine. "And you're Miss Thalianara Griffin." He smiled making his green eyes shine and then he slid them to Ryder's direction.

A muscle ticked on Ryder's jaw. "Colton." He gritted.

Gid faced me. "As I was saying, Cassandra admitted to having you and Ryder ambushed in your apartment. She also admitted to working with Alastair, and her paying your sister a wad of cash and then some to rat you out."

"Why me? Why Cassandra? Does our parents know?" They severed all ties from me, what more did they want?

My heart ached knowing that my sister wanted me dead.

Gid's eyes slid to Ryder's before coming back to me. "Apparently Cassandra has an unrequited love for someone," He paused. I was waiting for him to continue, but he just sighed.

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