Indifferent Actions of a Hot Love

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WARNING: Intimate scenes ahead.



After I dialed his number, I put my phone near my ear and listened to it ring. It had been a month since my hospitalization and the downfall of the White Queen.

Garick informed us of her demise and how she sang like a nightingale dropping names after the other. He told us that he gave her morphine and then shot her in the head.

If it were me I would've taken my time poking and stabbing surfaces of her until she begged me to kill her. But at least that page of the book was done.

I bought a condominium in Manhattan closer to my father's company, seeing as I didn't think we could live in the unfinished house in Brooklyn. Having been granted the vacation I applied for, I started going to work.

Nara was always with me, I had her pretending to be my personal assistant as to not take her off my sight, she protested but a little convincing made her agree. Letting her be alone was still a bit too early with the previous mercenary company she worked at still tailing her.

"This better be not related to guns and violence, Colton." He answered on the third ring.

It was impossible that they didn't contact him regarding the email I just received.

"There's an assignment," Nara set down the coffee she made in front of me. My eyes slid down to my wife's khaki skirt that went above her knees and up to the matching blazer that accentuated her curves.

I never knew stockings were hot until I saw them on her. It just make me want to tear them off her skin with my teeth.

The sweet thing narrowed her eyes at me and walked back to the table placed beside the door. Numerous times I asked her to move the table beside mine but she didn't agree. According to her, we must act as professionals in the work area, whatever that meant.

"Goddamnit, and here I was thinking about what to wear on my date tomorrow." Gid immediately hopped in his private jet after taking Nara to the hospital which Garick gave him crap about. "I don't know if it's the bad reception or they really didn't send me the report 'cause I got none."

I checked the email again to make sure that it was Gid and I that were assigned to the mission. "Yep, you're name's here, so you have to get here ASAP."

"Don't ASAP me, I thought you quit." I could hear the sound of the ocean waves in the background, the ass was really having a good time.

"You know it was just temporary." My tone was light but the truth about what I said rang seriously. We couldn't really completely severe our ties with the company unless we died of course. If the agency gets compromised our names were attached to it and obviously a hunting will commence to wipe the members all out.

"'kay, I'll call you after I land." He ended the call after that.

This mission was one of the bonkers assignments I had done, if it hadn't topped all of them already. I don't know what my wife would say when I tell her that I would be out of the country for months. Right after I take care of her problem.

I sighed and continued reviewing the company documents that needed signing.

The assignment this time was a facility in Italy was being used to build a bioweapon that would be sent in different countries to cut down population. Specifically third-world countries. Of how we were going to halt the operation was still in the works, but judging from the details emailed to me, this would have a very long undercover observation and the actual take-down was very risky because it was only the two of us. This will be a long pain in the ass mission.

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