If I Had Two Hearts, You Would've Stolen Them Both

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I stared at my hands

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I stared at my hands. What did I just do? After hearing his story I thought it was okay to get handsy on him? Goddammit! Where had my anger gone? My hurt?-They all seemed to have had slid in the drain the minute our body touched.

I had to think of something to get out of here. But how to move past the gate when it was obviously computer activated, does Ryder held some kind of remote control to it?

The door opened and I stared at his entering frame, he hadn't put on his clothes yet, so letting my gaze just stay on his face was a very hard task. After closing the door, he went to sit down on the bed beside me.

I mustn't succumb to him or his body.

"That was Gid. Police found Perez's body and an unknown female-pale, with long, black hair in a little black dress is the suspected killer. He told me that almost everyone in the club saw you enter with him in a room," he paused. "You stay here until things cool down. Perez's men are scattered in the city I bet they're already passing your sketch on every turf they own."

"I thought they were all busy grinding on each other in a vertical fucking they called dancing when I entered the room with him?" I knew not to make fun of serious situation as this, but my mouth couldn't just help it. "Would they stop what they were doing just to stare at me and Perez go inside his office?" Huh, I thought only his guards and the girls who sat with him saw me.

"Trust me, baby. Everyone stops to look whenever you enter a room." I heard him mutter, his eyes stared heatedly and did a slow scan on my body making my insides quiver.

I cleared my throat and diverted the subject. "I can just go back to my apartment and hole up in there. No one knows where I live."

Because I was stupid enough to stay in my old apartment in the dangerous side of town, they wouldn't know I lived there. Possibly.

Ryder held my shoulders, bringing me closer to him. "They could easily find you there, baby, you live in their territory, and as soon as they see your face, you're dead meat." He rested his forehead on mine, eyes held captive by his. "And I wouldn't let that happen, no matter how hard you protest I wouldn't let you leave this house. I'll work at home. If you try to leave, I'll just haul you back here." With that said, he kissed the tip of my nose.

I pushed him away. "You take that side of the bed, I'll take the other." My heart could only take so much fill of Ryder before it explodes.

He stood up and turned off the lights. "Good night, Baby. Love you," he said with a sigh as he burrowed under the covers.

"Night." I turned away. My back facing him. My brain was compelling me to answer those two words that he'd said last, but I couldn't bring myself. The hesitation won over.

I closed my eyes. I felt tired but I was not at all sleepy. It felt like I needed something—or someone. My mind went back to the earlier events, one in particular, the blank gaze of Rodrigo Perez as he stared back at me, lying on the floor while his blood slowly seeped out of his body. I shuddered.

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