Cheated To Cheater

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My wife's face fucking broke my heart. I did not blame her for doing what she did, it hurts seeing another man put smile on her face, I couldn't deny that.

"I'm sorry," She'd said, I knew deep in my brain the reason she was saying sorry, but the more dominant part of me was confused of what she was apologizing for.

I frowned.

"I am sorry for not trusting you." She sobbed, her tears started flowing.

No, no, baby.

"I'm sorry f-for accusing you. I am sorry for leaving you, w-when I didn't have a reason t-to." Nara was full-blown crying and sobbing and all I could do was stare; every tear that dropped was a jagged slice in my heart.

I took her in my arms. "Babe. Nara, baby, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's my fault for not reassuring you that you have nothing to worry about." I lifted her onto my lap this time and she tucked her face in the crook of my neck, still sobbing.

"For those five years that were wasted over nothing!" Her voice was muffled. She gasped and lifted her head to look at me—wide-eyed and tear-stained. "I cheated on you—oh, god. I am the cheater!" I rubbed her back while she covered her face with her hands still crying.

I waited for the satisfying feeling to come over me. I waited for the sense of triumph that I'd proven her wrong, but her every sob made me want to dig a hole and burry myself. I was the reason she was feeling this way. If I had just manned up and approached her years ago to explain, she wouldn't be feeling like this.

Nara suddenly stood, but I pulled her back down on my lap.

"No. Ryder. I have to leave, I don't deserve you. I called you a cheater when I was the one guilty of doing it." She was trying to keep a straight face, but it kept faltering. Nara  tried to stand again. I held her, held her close, held her tight, I held her like she was my oxygen—she was. There was no fucking way I was letting her walk away again.

"Baby, sshh, you didn't know and I withheld things from you."

"I'm sorry, Ryder. I'm so sorry. I want to get back, believe me, but I had ruined everything—us—when I left and accused you of things!" She wouldn't look me in the eyes, I wiped her tears with my thumb.

To lighten things up I told her, "You didn't exactly cheat, you know. Most of them didn't even got to hold your hand, much less kiss you." Which was the truth. Her apartment was fully scouted twenty-four-seven and when she was spotted going in with a man, a fire drill was commenced or a false police search in her home to get the blockhead away from her.

Fucking cringy, I know. I become stalkerish when it came to my heart.

She chuckled, her face went back to the crook of my neck, and then she started crying again.

My lips found her forehead. "Babe." I tried to sound soothing while rubbing her back, I guess it worked 'cause she stopped sobbing.

"I love you, Ryder. I love you so much. I'm sorry I didn't answer you back when you told me you love me and I'm sorry for asking f-for a divorce." There she goes crying again.

"I love you, too, Nara."

She shook her head. "I don't want a divorce. I don't wanna be away from you, I want to stay here. Am I still okay to stay here?" And now she was rumbling.

"No, baby, I don't want a divorce either and I don't want to be separated from you. This is your house, too. You don't have to ask me permission to stay here." I transferred her back to the couch.

"Now, about the movie we were talking about." I went and crouched in front of the fifty-four inches screen and grabbed the remote. "What do you wanna watch?"

"The Notebook." She sniffled.

I looked up at the ceiling. Chick-flick, really? I let out a breath. Okay, let's pray that patience will keep flowing and will prevent me from sleeping through the whole movie.

I was seriously whipped. Not complaining, though. I just got my heart back.

Walking back to her I asked her if she wanted anything.

"Just you." Was her reply. And I was happy to comply.

I sat and she immediately tucked herself on my side. I put my arm around her to pull her closer. She rested her head in my shoulder and sighed.

The movie started.

Thinking about the things that happened today, it was pretty...bulky.

I wanted to kill that fucking prick Paul, he almost had my wife killed or worse. What's worse? Having to beg to be killed, trust me, I know it. No coaxing was needed during the interrogation, the coward started talking before he was even asked, but I still relished taking his body parts bit by fucking bit. I skipped telling Nara that being collateral meant she was included in the deal, that the fucking bastard sold her. He was put on hospital arrest for about a week, before he was transferred to Fowler Penal Institution. He was probably dead, prisoners with rape and pimping cases were treated roughly there.

About the White Queen—no, not going to think about her case for now. Now, I only want to think of one woman, the one who somewhat fell asleep on my shoulder before the movie even reached its quarter-half.

I looked down at her and smiled.

I love this woman so much.

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