Epilogue Two...'cause Why Not

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A/N: After some thinking and more thinking, I have decided. I am adding another epilogue in Ryder's point of view...'cause why not, haha.


A month after.


My shaking hands grabbed anything that they could reach and stuffed them in the black duffel bag.

Thoughts in my head were frantic and random, the deep breaths I was taking did nothing to calm my racing heart.

Her alarmed yells rang in my ears for—I couldn't remember anymore.

If someone told me I would be acting this stupid when my wife started her labor, I would've laughed, but who knew that upon hearing her, "I'm about to give birth.", would send me bolting out of the bed and peeing my pants—a little—out of nervousness would happen? I didn't.


"Ryder," came a whisper.

Fifteen minutes ago, I woke up with the slight pain in my scalp, when I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was my wife's hand seemingly positioned above my head.

The pain intensified and it was just then that I realized that she had been gripping my hair.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked her as I gently pried her hand away from my head.

Her breathing was deep and she looked like she was in pain. "I think," She swallowed hard. "I'm about to give birth."

Her words sent adrenaline coursing and I jumped out of the bed.

Fuck, what do I do first?

I went to Nara's side and attempted to lift her to which she protested to. "Get clothes and blankets, dummy!" She gritted.

"Oh, right." And then, I was running to the closet.

Do I get my clothes, too? Fuck it, I thought and grabbed some of mine.

Her shout sounded like she was in great pain so, instead of thinking what to get, I just grabbed anything that I could see and stuffed them in the bag. I also stashed a few bundles of cash in it because I felt like grabbing everything. It felt like it wasn't enough and if I could bring the whole house with us I'd do it.

"Ryder!" She called, "I think my water just broke!"

Water? I remembered from the parent seminars we attended that when that breaks next comes the baby. Fuck.

I moved faster. I didn't think of anything else except getting my wife to the hospital as fast as possible. I couldn't even remember if I took the stairs when I went to the garage to dump the bag in the backseat and start the car.

I went back to our room and asked Nara if she could stand.

"The hell I can!" She yelled.

I threw the blanket covering her and I nearly pass out when I saw it wet. Carefully, I lifted her and walked down the stairs slowly, when I successfully deposited her in the front passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt, I dashed to the driver's side and raced the car.

I zoomed past cars expertly while my other focus was on my wife's situation. The doctor told us yesterday that Nara might give birth within a couple of weeks but it didn't mean that it would happen just after our visit to the OB gynecologist. And goddamnit, it wasn't like the training they taught us in the seminars, maybe because I missed the 'being calm in the situation' part.

I parked the car in front of the hospital entrance and goddamnit I couldn't even open my door. When I successfully got out, my mouth moved on its own and shouted "Medic, medic!" Thank goodness I managed to clamp it shut before it was followed by a 'man down' remark.

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