Whirlwind of Events Not Romance

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We managed to get to the highway without anyone with a gun shooting at us out of nowhere, the ringing of my ears come and go which made me feel lightheaded. The argument about naming cars and treating them like a girlfriend or a child was long dismissed.

We hailed a cab like it was a normal morning and we were going somewhere. Except there were soot and dirt on our faces. We were not exactly dressed casually or normally for that matter-except Gid-nonetheless we all had holes on our clothes.

Ryder's shirt and shorts were still intact, aside from the smudges of soil, it was okay, while my feet had long gone numb due to the cold asphalt I walked on, my footwear flew when I did and now they were lost in the rubbles of the explosion. He insisted that he give me his slippers or carry me but I declined. What was a little cold gonna do to me?

It felt like hours of walking and I was at the point of caving in and asking for my husband's slipper when a taxi stopped before us and we got on it, Gid in the front passenger seat and us at the back. The driver never said a thing after he asked us where our destination would be, it saved us from making excuses but it also made me question if this was a normal thing for him since he hadn't given any reaction to our state at all.

Nobody talked inside the car and the silence was soothing. I sat there staring at the tall buildings we passed by as we got in the city.

The paranoia that someone might be following us and ready to kill us was in a loop in my head. Outrunning someone was hard enough, how much more if it was a big corporation of assassins trained like they didn't need to breathe to live?

For some reason, my mind wandered to the Borne series and my hand flew to my neck because that was where the wife of the character Matt Damon was playing was shot at.


Ryder's hand on my thigh brought my attention to him. "What's wrong, baby?"

Setting my silly thought aside, I smiled at him and said it was nothing.

I went back to staring at the window on my side. Did I really knew too much for them to have me killed?

I was just an archivist.

And just like that, I felt like I was shot with the realization that came in.

I had read about a Rebecca Alastair in the past. It was in Rodrigo Perez's file. I pulled it out a day before we went into the field to confirm things-I couldn't believe I forgot about that.

She was the one that wanted him out. She contracted my former company to have him killed, but why?

Could she be working with them or was she just one of the many that needed a hand in offing their target because they couldn't do it?

But how could she not do it when she had this army-according to Ryder-that could kill for her? Had Rodrigo somehow overpowered Rebecca?

I held my tongue and waited for the ride to be over before deciding to tell what I just discovered slash remembered to my husband and Gid.

Ryder had the taxi stop in the middle of nowhere. Really, except for the presence of a decently made road, everything else was taken by nature.

Thankfully, Gid had some cash with him which he used to pay the cab driver.

Are we going to hide in the mountain?

"Is this where you shoot us and leave us to die?" Gid asked, watching the yellow car drive back to where we came from. "Are you going to take us to the cabin in the woods and have some mythical creatures chase us?"

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