Jealous? Me? Pfft!

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The kitchen was as I remembered, the white marble-tiled floor reflected the sun's morning rays up the white ceiling, scattering the brightness all throughout the walls with the same color. The gauzy curtains billowed as the breeze set in gently in the tall open window. The blackness and glossiness of the appliances—Ryder's choice—complemented the glow of the room and seemingly suck some of the light to keep it to themselves. Even the dining table for six was still there, across the kitchen bar, and the only one in the color of purple. Actually, its original color was white, but I insisted that we painted it, Ryder's hilarious reaction was still vivid in my mind when I told him that I want it purple. In the end he lost the argument and agreed, told me that I was so lucky that he loves me so much—

Moving on, I strode further in and saw a clump of blond and pink in my peripheral.

Ryder was about to say something when he saw me walking towards his shirtless self.

"Hi, baby." He greeted with one of his gorgeous smiles. Ooh, the sneer she gave when she heard and the satisfaction I felt.

I paused midway and turned my attention to the woman in pink. I smiled and gave a small nod in greeting. I wouldn't want the her to think that the wife of the man she was salivating at was rude.

The lady didn't even bother greeting me back after she eyed me up and down with judgment.

She was seated on one of the tall stools, her face in her hands as her elbows rest on the kitchen bar, facing Ryder. She didn't bother hiding her lust for him in the way she was eye-licking his body. She even has her lower lip caught in between her teeth as she watched my husband cook behind the counter.

I was not one of the people to be bothered and become violent by this kind of attitude, I usually just shrugged it off and let karma take care of them.

But she ruffled me the wrong way and I want to smack her for that.

The  strong urge show her that Ryder was mine was very dominating, and with a little thought, I continued to walk until I was in front of him. He was on the process of flipping a pancake when I touched his side—close to his v-line and when I reached out to kiss him, he lowered his face like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Morning." My words were muffled as my lips lingered a bit on his jaw before completely pulling away. I wanted to slap myself for acting so impulsive. Why would I do that? If Ryder had a girlfriend, what was it to me?

Yeah, right. A tiny voice in my head interjected.

If Ryder had been surprised by my action, he didn't let the woman nor me see it.

If Ryder had been surprised by my action, he didn't let the woman nor me see it

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"Baby, this is Alice Walter she lives close. Alice this Thalia, my wife." Ryder said, turning off the stove.

Her eyebrows almost shot to the roof. "Wife? I never knew you are married. You never told me when we're together." She said casually but I never missed her emphasis on her last two words. Her eyes roamed all over me again, up from head to toe and back.

Bet you never see that comin'. I wanted to tell her. I stopped smiling at her at this point—well, I stopped smiling at her the first time she eyed me.

Now it was my turn to raise eyebrows. "Maybe you didn't ask. He clearly never took his wedding ring off." I blinked at her. Was I bad if I wanted to claw out her blue eyes?

Ryder just chuckled. "Go and sit, I'll serve the pancakes." He murmured after kissing me on the cheek, then a peck on the lips.

I stayed where I was. I didn't want to sit beside Alice, with the way she was looking at me at the moment, she might eat me alive.

"Did you have your breakfast? You can join us if you want." I asked out of politeness, grabbing Ryder's arm.

Alice smiled, a doggy smile—all teeth. "Actually, I already had." She checked her watch. "I'm gonna have to head out, yoga class will start soon." Yoga class, why did I expect her to say that? Was it because she was wearing yoga pants? "Nice meeting you Thalia." She stood up.

No one's stopping you. "Nice meeting you too." I replied.

"See you later, Ryder," She added sultrily that I almost rolled my eyes, before she headed out the door.

I waited for the close and click before I started talking. "See you later, Ryder." I mocked. "Tss." I rolled my eyes, stomping to the stools.

Ryder chuckled, wiping his hand on the towel hanged in the handle of the oven. "You are so jealous, baby, and it's so adorable." He grinned.

I eyed him like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world.

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