The ice Prince(Glaciershipping)

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So I found this picture, and it kinda gave me inspiration of a little story, Zane is royalty and Cole is his bodyguard and there is a another kingdom, The Fire one and (you guess it) Kai is the prince/king, also  part demon. So right now Zane and Cole are about 8 or 9 in age


A cold,windy chill breeze entered the palace doors. A great King entered with his meeting room, with his most trusted friend and general Sir Lou. The kingdom of Fire and Ice have been at war. For many years King Juilen wanted to make peace with King Ray but failed, now he has no choice but to fight back. He wants his people save. It was wasn't easy, since the great winter has started. And to make things worst, his only son, Zane Juilen.

  King Juilen asked General Lou and Crytor to send a party of warriors for the battlefield plan. Lou was double checking everything. Making sure everyone was in order in the line of soldiers he noticed one was shorter then the rest. Looking down it was his son. Cole Bookstore, his beautiful dark skin, ghostly green eyes, and messy black hair. He was dress in his armor and has his tiny sword since he was in training.

Lou couldn't but smiled but soon had his serious face when he pulled his son in a little corner. "You have to stay here Cole." The young boy was disappointed. "But father! I have to fight, for the Kingdom, for my people for you!" Lou patted Cole's head. "I'm proud of your bravery and pride, but if anything every happened to you I would never forgive myself." Cole looked at the floor, his eyes filled with sadness. He understood that his safety was everything to his father. He nodded his head"Yes Father......" Lou knew that he had to make his son happy before he have to go.

"Hey Cole." Lou said, grabbing the boy's attention he kneed down to be at the boy's eye view. Lou pulled out a two part necklace of the ying and yang symbol ☯. "You see this, this has been in our family for a long, long time. My father gave me this, like his father and every fighter that served the kingdom." Cole's eyes light up in amazement. The necklace was beautiful. Lou tool one half(the white one) and put it around is back, then with the other half put it around Cole's neck. "Legend says is that if two people very close always have this necklace on, they'll always be together no matter how far apart they are."

Cole looked at the necklace, it was cold but had a feeling of safety. "You be strong for me okay?" Lou looked at his son, with a bright smile. Cole nodded his head and hugged his father."I promise Father." Lou got up"Remember your skills, son." And walked away to join his team. Cole then had to go back to duty. He was training to be the prince's bodyguard. While many soldiers and the king gone, the prince needed alot of protection gone.

The prince, was named Zane Juilen, Cole always thought that was a prefect name, the young prince always had love for books, even painting the view from his window. The prince was kind to everyone and even animals. Once he saw a falcon in the forest on one of his walks with his father. He took it home, took care of it, then set it free. But falcon liked Zane that it stayed to be a,what Zane calls a friend then a pet.

Right now, Zane was doing another painting. Cole was standing near his door just watching the window, the room and kinda creepy, Zane. Cole always loved Zane's talent of painting.
His way of chooseing of colors, details everything was so perfect. Cole blushed a little. He always had feelings for Zane but made sure to hide them deep inside him. But what if Zane liked him back.........

Zane then set his brushes and paint down and stared out of the window.

Cole's pov
"Is something wrong my prince?" I asked while noticing that sometime was bothering him. Zane looked at me, his icy blue eyes looking at my green eyes. "I- I just feel like I'm useless and alone." I blushed, it felt wrong to crush on her. But feels kinda lovely."
"Hey, you're not useless and alone!" "Yes I am! We are at war! And our fathers are out there while I'm i here doing nothing!" Tears formed in his eyes, it hurt to see him like this. "Your father just wants to make sure you are safe! Nothing more." Zane looked at me and smiled. Then out of nowhere, he hugged me! "Thank you."  I was shocked but I hugged back, the warm feeling inside of me was so, beautiful. I wonder if he feels it too! That was when we both made a best friend.

3rd pov and both of them are like around 19 or so

After a few years, Cole has become general of Zane's guards, he had a serious face on and making sure everything was in order and the kingdom was safe. A few months ago, his father died in battle and it left him a wound that can not be healed, but that was a reason to train harder then King Juilen made him general, a big honor to Cole. Soon the gates opened showing Prince Zane had returned. "The prince has returned." Pixal shouted. Cole stopped dead of what he was doing, and blowed bown with his knee and took off his helmet.(They look like the outfits in the picture,just in case)

"My prince, Everything is in order and safe for your return." Cole said. "Oh Cole," A chuckle came out of the young boy. Cole looked up to met his eyes. "You know you can just call me Zane, also I also trusted you since the first." Cole's face was red from being fluttered and embarrsement. He got up quickly like he remembered he was living in the ice castle. "Uh- right."
Zane laughed and cupped Cole's cheeks. "You dork-." Soon Pixal came in. "My prince, your father wishes to speak with you." Zane looked at her with a little fear and sadness. "O-of course." He looked his best friend one more time, then left.


The room lit up with a blazing light of fire! Guards took out their weapons, everyone else panicked and ran. Cole pulled out his weapon. Zane was in shocked. 'What is happening!?' Then his worst fears xame true.

Kai, the young prince of the kingdom of fire, and his demon warriors surrounding the palace and kidnapped the gaurds. "Well well well, if it isn't Zane, prince of the ice kingdom." Kai chuckled staring at Zane with death in his eyes. Cole pulled out his sword and got in front of Zane. "What do you want,you devil!" Cole shouted. Kai pretended to looked hurt. "The hurts you know, you you're the famous bodyguard Cole? Really? You need someone to protect you.!?" He laughed. Cole started at him with anger. Zane hold on to his shoulders scared. Cole can even feel the coldness of his touch.

Kai spoked again. "Well it's time to finish what my father started, killing you and being the rightful King of this land. Zane gasped in horror, he couldn't believe it! He can't let that happen! His father was already dieing and counting in him to protect this part of the land. Cole shouted and ran up to Kai with an a attack.
(Btw I'm not the best at writing fighting scenes so I'm sorry, also blood warning)
Cole tried attacking above Kai but he blocked it with his dragon sword. The two kept canceling each others attacks and doing little to no damage. Zane couldn't do anything but watch in horror, his best friend/crush was fighting his enemy. The guards were also fighting Kai's demon warriors.
Cole slashed Kai in the leg. Kai grunted in pain. Then Kai was really mad, he kept attacking Cole, Kai was too fast and knocked Cole's sword away and slashed him in the gut. Zane's eyes went wide "NO!" Kai then kicked Cole in the gut and he went flying on the grounded, blood all over his outfit. Zane hold him close. "No, no.... Please don't go." He cried whispering sweet notings in his ear.

Kai walked up to both of them with his sword in hand." Oh sweet Angel," Kai's horns and tail showed with fire in his eyes. " I'm afarid he's gone, but you'll be joining him." Zane closed his eyes. This was it...... The end, or so he thought. Cole took out his dagger and blocked Kai's attack. "What-" Cole then pushed him away and grabbed Zane bridal style. Since the fire was getting worst, the place was falling apart. "Cole!? You're- you're wounded! You shouldn't-" "It's my duty to protect you, no matter what." He said while running out. When they got there, the place was sended down to Hell. "Zane!" King Juilen was happy and glad that his son was okay.

Cole let Zane down, "Father!" Zane hugged him. King Juilen then walked up to Cole. "Cole, thank you,you saved my son's life! Your father would have been proud of him." Cole tried to smile (because of the pain in the wound) "Thank you my king, Zane is really important to me, I promised to protect him for all my life."
Zane smiled, he blushed when he walked up to Cole, he also blushed, "uh- well at least Kai's gone-" "Yeah" " So now that-." He was cutted off when Zane kissed Cole on the lips. Gasps from everyone surprised them and even some was cheering. Cole was shocked, "I- I never thought- well I-." Cole just smiled and chuckled.

"My knight in shiny armor."

So- what did you think? Maybe it was too random or it doesn't make snese and I get that, it was just a small idea that poped in my head but I enjoyed writing it

1709 words

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