Homecoming Dance(Bruise/Gendarswap au)

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So I had this really cute idea for this chapter and it's sorta a sequel to 'I like your style' I may request you read that one first but you don't have to :p
Also if you forgot
Kai:Kairi (Sam"s(Skylor) girlfriend)Pan
Jay:Jane(Chloe's girlfriend)Bi
Zane:Zoey(Paxton's(Pixal) Girlfriend) Straight 'Ally'
Cole:Chloe (Jane's Girlfriend) Lesbain
Lloyd:Lia (Nathen's girlfriend) Pan
Nay:Nathan (Lia's boyfriend) Bi


Jane's pov

      "And that ladies and gentlemen is how you solve 'x'". Zoey finish explaining a math problem from our study guide for the test today. "True but if you times it by the second power you also get the same answer." Zoey's eyes turn blue for a few seconds then went back to normal."Oh that's also correct." I giggled "we are going to ace this test!" "Okay just let me know when you are going to speak English again." Lia said with a annoyed look on her face. Lia wasn't the best at math. "But the test is today! We have to check so we get a A on it." "But you guys are like math geniuses! So why study." "Well I am a Nindroid so I know how to solve all math problems." Zoey answered. "And I've been studying all night mostly for Chloe to get help from me." "Speaking of Chloe how's her grades been?" Zoey asked with a big smile on her face. "Well it was going good, her grade is now a C- so we are hoping this test would make it a B or A." Lia "sure~ oh look the Homecoming dance is this weekend." Lia said while looking at the poster.

        I looked at it. Maybe me and Chloe can go? We have been dating for at least 4 months now but she never went to dances. "Oh we should all go!" Zoey said excited. "Yeah! Maybe someone special can ask you out~." Lia said nudging my shoulder and I blushed. "I-Idk she isn't a big thing for dances." "Maybe she changed, since you got together it's about a 85% chance she would!" Zoey said. I tried hiding my blush with the books I'm holding."That's still a 30% chance she won't." "And I'm really hope she'll ask me."

Chloe's pov
        Okay today is the math test. Just stay calm and remember what Jane taught you. Oh Jane. A little blush was on my face. Ever since we became a couple I couldn't stop thinking about her! Like she's the cutest and most beautiful girl ever! And I really want to say the L word but I can't cause I don't want to make her feel uncomforable. Anyway I was getting my stuff from my locker and about to leave but got stopped by Kairi and Nathan. "You know I heard there is a Homecoming dance tomorrow." Kairi said with a weird voice and then her brother did the same voice. "And maybe there is someone you want to ask~?" I had enoght. "Can you please stop it's weird and uncomforable." Kairi stopped me from walking away"Oh come on! You have a girlfriend now! At least take her!" "You know I'm not into dances. The hair,makeup and dresses." A shiver went down my spine. Nathan spoke and put a hand on my shoulder "Look Lia isn't really into that stuff either but she does it for fun! And you can wear a tux suit if you want." Nathan did have a idea but there was also another reason why I don't like dances. My dad, now he's not over-protected or anything (he sorta is) but he doesn't know I'm a lesbian. I only came out to my friends and it took him a long time for him to accepted that I don't like girly stuff that I'm a tomboy that really liked to wear Black and orange sometimes. And he always ask when I'll get a boyfriend and I wanted to bring up what he thinks of same gendars dating but I'm scared of him being disappointed like I couldn't become a dancer. Kairi spoke after I had all that in my head. "But I bet you want to see Jane in the most beautiful dress you ever seen. And hold her close and kiss her and maybe even have some fun in bed~-Ow!" I slapped her on the back of her head. "Kairi!" Me and Nathan said at once. "Hey watch the hair!" "Well don't say anything that is so inappropriate! Jane and I are taking it slow okay! I haven't even said the 'L' word to her." "Lust?" Kairi guessed Nathan hit her head again. "No! It's love..... I want to say it but-" as I was saying that I saw Lia,Zoey and Jane. Jane had her cute smile and ran up to me and hug me tight. "Hey beautiful!" "Hey cutie." I kissed her forehead Lia and Nathan sorta did the same thing. There was a awkward silence then Kairi spoke "sooooo what are we all doing on this Saturday night?" "Well,I was thinking we would all go to the homecoming dance!" Zoey said just like that without thinking what I think Kairi was planning. Jane just looked at the ground what looked like ashamed. "Y-Yeah the dance." The bell rang.

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