I always loved you-Moss

334 9 14

Request from That_One_Lego_Simp

Warning one cuss word

Moss is Lloyd x Cole again if you do not like do not freaking read all characters are 18 or older idc 


It was a lazy morning for the ninja. Everyone just woke up having a quick breakfast and coffee to start their morning with some training. Zane put out some cereal for everyone because he doesn't feel like his system isn't awake to make anything which everyone was confuse because he is a nindroid do those get lazy? They didn't think he was just putting out something easy to eat but here we are. Cole, the current leader was definitely drinking some coffee to wake him up. Lloyd came out with a small plate that had a bagel with cream cheese on it.  "Good morning Cole, I got you breakfast." Cole saw the bagel and took it his eyes sparkle like he saw the most beautiful person in the world. "bagels! my favorite thanks Lloyd." "No problem. The two smiled at each other. The group just saw what happened, looked at each other and smirk.

The group was training on the field of the monastry. Kai and Jay was doing weapon combat practice, Zane was meditating with Nya and Cole was doing his regular workout of lifting weights. Lloyd had to sit out and study some scrolls of ancient stories of dragons and such stuff. He personally found them boring but his uncle said it was a part of his training. But the green ninja kept getting distracted. He reads on the stairs, and his eyes just want to look at Cole. Cole was lifting dumbbells, focused on his workout and he. was. shirtless.Lloyd could see the sweat on his muscles, his face and he just looks hot! It's possible Lloyd's face was red because it was a normal summer day or He found his leader really attractive. 

Lloyd needed a tiny break so he quickly went inside for some water. Kai saw this as a perfect time. "So noticed your little green bean staring at you." Kai went up to the black ninja with a smirk. Cole put down the dumbbell and grabbed his wet rag to whip his face. "What? what do you mean?" "oh come on He brought you a bagel, water and was checking you out!" Cole blushed a small speck.He does know that and he adores it, Lloyd is so kind and helpful and it just makes him cute!

"Look it's really sweet of you to think I have a possible love for green bean, but I'm taking a break from relation ships besides me and Lloyd are just friends got it?" Kai looked annoyed and followed Cole in the little shaded area "Oh come on! You can't just say that and hope it'll disappear! Just give it a chance-" "I said no!" Cole snapped. He regretted already but he said what he said and stood his ground. that should be the end of it. 

"No I don't!" 

"Yes you do Lloyd! you can't just ignore the signs!" 

The green and blue ninja was in the kitchen 

Jay seems to think it was a great day to convince Lloyd once again to tell him about his crush on Cole. "I was just being a good friend!" "orrrrrr try to win him over!" Lloyd just rolled his eyes and walked away to the bathroom.

Looked into the mirror and just started at himself.

Lloyd has been going through a very questionable about himself.

'The mighty green ninja'

'Sensei Wu's Nephew'

'The dark Lord Garmadon's son'

That's all he sees, that's all he is called.

Not Lloyd Garmadon, the real one.

He doesn't know his true self

He lately has been going through a sexuality crisis. After Harumi, he has had trust issues with other girls. He had Zane act as a therapist for him and he talked about Harumi, his struggles as the green ninja, even his daddy issues.

He hates talking about it but his amazing teammates and friends are really supportive and say they don't mind.

A few weeks later
Cole was playing Prime empire and the group was dressed in nice clothing.

"Where are you guys doing?"

"A new club just opened and we are going to get wasted!" Kai said

"I will be the response one and drive everyone home." Zane added.

"Okay have fun."

"Don't have any funny business with Lloyd~"


They all giggle and run out the door.

Cole played for half an hour than released Lloyd hasn't came out of his room so Cole stopped his game and went upstairs and knocked on his door

"Lloyd? Are you in there?"

No answer

"Lloyd?"...... "Okay I'm coming in."

Cole opened the door and Saw Lloyd his hood on and he was laying on his bed, hugging his pillow, crying.

"Lloyd!" Cole walked over and shake his shoulder. Lloyd looked up at Cole.

"What's wrong?"


"Come on." Cole made Lloyd sit up and even put him on his lap to comfort him.

"Tell me."

"I- I was just thinking of Harumi...... I just can't stop thinking about her..."

"Lloyd it's been half a year."

"Ik..,.... But I just can't stop, I moved on but I don't "

"Hey it's okay, I get it you just need time to find yourself and then find the someone special."

Lloyd and Cole made eye contact. Their green eyes sending signals like a million stars just in the eyes of the two.

"Cole, I- I want to do something but I'm scared."

Cole took his hand and the other his cheek

"Do it take it."

Lloyd slowly shared a kiss

They stayed like this

Fireworks and dreams come true.

"I always love you......."

This ship is starting to be my new favorite:,)

But gosh dang it what a week!

Okay whatever

Anyway I'm doing alright
I hope you like this one shot and have a good day

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