Zane x reader- little snowflake

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Request from ArmyStayBtsStraykids 🔫🙂 anyway now this is my first x reader story soooooooo sorry if it's cringe or so anyway enjoy!
Y/N:Your name
E/C:Eye color
F/A: Favorite Animal

      God. Just- God save me now- why out of all the days- it had to be today. Today had to be a busy day at the market. And today was me and Zane's anniversary! And I can't leave early cause we are really short-staffed because Joey (idk) was "sick" but really he's just lazy and doesn't want to work I have no idea how he's keeping his job rn! But not the point.

Since Zane is one a mission that will take a whole week and it was perfect because he'll come home the same day has our anniversary and I'll leave work early but somehow today was just packed! And no one can take my place! I can't believe I'm going to miss Zane cause being caught on work!

Then I felt my phone went off. It was a text from Zane!

Mills ❄️:Hello my love Happy Anniversary 😘

I blushed and smiled.

'Happy anniversary Mills!'

Mills ❄️:I can't wait to see you and your beautiful e/c eyes again and hold you and never let go 💓♥️💖

He is just to pure for this world.

'awwww Zaney ♥️ That's so sweet but Idk if I can make it'

Mills ❄️:Why not?

'Today is somehow really busy I can't get anyone to cover my shift 😔'

Mills ❄️: Snowflake I understand, it's okay we can have our day tomorrow I can wait.'

I was replying back but my boss caught me

"Miss y/n you were supposed to be at the cashiers!"

What a ass
Finally- it ended! Damn I was tired. I used my key to unlock my door to my apartment. I walked in and turn on my light and saw on my counter a vase of beautiful roses. Then I heard a voice
"Happy anniversary my love"

I saw Zane wearing a tuxedo and and holds a little bag. He's all dressed up and I'm in my uniform!

"Awww Zane!" I hugged him "I'm so sorry, I'm late and I'm not dressed up! I-"

"Y/N it is alright I understand besides you are beautiful no matter what."

I blushed

"Here I saw this and I had to get it for you."

I Opened the little bag and it was a small box and I opened it and gasped.

It was a beautiful necklace of my F/A and it has a small diamond on it.

"Mills..... This is beautiful!" I felt myself tear up

I hugged him again
"I love you"

"I love you too little snowflake"

I honestly like it but hey first x reader story so idk

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