We will always love you (Poly + 🏳️‍⚧️Trans Lloyd

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This request is from @savageuzumaki enjoy!

It was a nice warm day. And at the Destiny's bounty was the all famous four ninja training on the deck.

"Okay okay I think we should take a break." Jay said whipping his sweaty forehead

"Now? But I was just getting started babe." The Earth ninja Cole reply while making cool moves with his sythe (I spelled that wrong 🙃) the master of Lighting blushed. It was only a few days that he confronted that he liked his teammates as more than brothers. "I-"

"I could use a break."

"Agreed besides the sun is getting hotter around this time of year."

Kai and Zane Agreed

The four of them went inside and they changed into shorts and tank tops since it was like fire out there. All of them sitting on the couch all laying on top of each other. Then Kai was making a face his boyfriends will recognize.

"Hey fire flame ever okay?" Jay asked putting a hand on Kai's shoulder

"What? Everything is fine "

"Well you make that face when you are thinking."

Curse Zane always being right! But they do love that about him

"I haven't seen Lloyd all day!"

Cole said "He's at his mom's remember?"

"Yes but we should have got a call or something-"

Just as Kai was explaining Lloyd came in the front door but something was off.

They all jump up to Lloyd.

"Hey! You're back!"

"O-Oh um yeah."

Then everyone's smiles fell.

"Something wrong?" Jay asked.

"N-no um just tired I-I'll be in my room." And he awkwardly silently went to his room

Everyone stares, confused

"Okay that was weird." Cole broke the silence.

"If my senses are correct he was hiding something."

"You're right babe also did you notice he was wearing a sweater? It's like boiling outside." Jay pointed out

"Yeah.... I did notice that." Kai looked at his door "We should figure this out."

A few minutes later

They go to Lloyd's room and knocked on the door.


"Lloyd we want to know if you're okay!" Kai answered on one side of the door.

A little silence and then the door opened. Lloyd with messy hair and cheeks red and wet. They all looked at him confused and worried.

"Come in please."

They looked at each other. Went in and found a spot to sit.

"i-I have a serect, I have been hiding it from everyone I know and Love even all of Ninjago. I was not born a guy....."

"What? What do you mean?" Jay asked

"I am Trans I was born a girl but on the inside of me I was actually feel like I was a guy so I cut my hair, wear jeans and jackets."

Lloyd looked like he was in the edge of more tears but his team gave him a huge group hug.

"We love you Lloyd, no matter what."

"Thank you"

496 words

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