greenice- Comfort picnic

183 1 2

Request from @kamizeo564l 

TW:Panic attack and trauma  


"You ready my love?" 

"Yeah I'm ready."

The day was quiet for the ice and green ninja. In fact, the day was quiet for the whole city. No crimes,no one to save, or mystery signings that could lead up to their next big villain. 

While everyone was doing their own thing, Zane was in the kitchen making some lunch for his little green boyfriend:Lloyd.

Lloyd the last few months has been going through some changes. It was around the time his dragon side was showing. He grew fangs, little horns and even showed some dragon scales. It wasn't easy. He has also been having nightmares and sometimes panic attacks. Zane has to calm him down. He tries to help him anyway he cans.

"Hey Zaney." Lloyd entered into the kitchen

"lloyd! I was about to ask you, would you like to go on a picnic?" Zane smiled.

"Oh, yeah that sounds fun!" Lloyd said happily. "I'll get the basket okay." 


The two boyfriends drove to a small park, they found a perfect spot. Near a tree on a small little hill. The two walked up the hill with a blanket.

After setting up, they ate delicious food and talked for hours while looking at the clouds. 

"Oh I have a surprise my love." Zane said. Lloyd's face light up. "What is it?" Zane got up and kissed his cheek. "I'll get it." He walked away down the hill.

Lloyd just waits while drinking a little apple juice. His hands started shaking and dropped his drink. 

N-no! not now! 

His vision was getting blurry, his mind flashing the moments of being trapped in chains and cages.

I can't breathe! He panics. Please make it stop! He wants to scream . 


Zane rushed to his side and layed him down on his lap. It took him a while but he steady his breathing and his vision was clear.

"I'm sorry....." 

"For what?" 

"I ruined our date.." 

"Oh no dear, you didn't ruin anyone." 

Zane hold him close. He gave a warm smile,

"You never ruined anything. 

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