I care about you (Greenflame)

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This Request is from KittenLloyd

This is in the movieverse and it's now lunch :3


The bell rang, telling everyone that it is now lunch time. After a short time Kai,Jay,Zane,Cole and Nya gathered around at their usual spot. Laughing, talking just messing around until their best friend Lloyd shows, which is taking a long time then usual. Finally he was coming towards them but when everyone saw him they knew something was wrong.

Lloyd sat at the table and put his head on his arms. His blonde hair was all messy,he had his hood over his head, his beautiful green eyes were dull and lifeless, and he had tear stained cheeks that can tell he was crying. "Omg Lloyd what happen!" Cole spoke first putting his headphones off to comfort him. Kai, being Lloyd's best friend, sat next him and rubbing little circles on his back while the gang ask questions.

"Are you okay?!" 

"Did someone hurt you?" 

Did something terrible happen?"

Kai soon spoke up "Guys stop asking him! Let him tell us." They all went silent. Kai looked in Lloyd's lifeless eyes. Kai's heart feels like it got stabed hundred times. He always hated seeing his best friend and crush upset. And he swears he would do anything to make him feel better. "Take your time, just tell us and we'll help you in anyway." Kai said to Lloyd in a quiet and comforable voice. Lloyd blushed a little he just loves it when Kai does this. "M-Morro-" He stared, his voice was shaky and quiet. Soon he broke into tears. "Morro broke up with me!" Everyone gasp. Morro was Lloyd's boyfriend since Middle school and he used to hang out with them all the time. But he changed when they started high school, he used to where green or any bright colors to all black and grey and always hanging out with Banshee and Author(human name I gave Soul archer ;3). which broke Lloyd;s heart and Kai wanted to smack sense into Morro but always had to be stopped by Nya. Kai put his hand into Lloyd's hair and started to rub."Hey hey it's okay." Nya walked over to Lloyd's side and hugged him."Oh Lloyd I'm so sorry, but hey everything is going to be okay I mean-" she was cut off by Jay "Like everyone says 'There are plenty other fish in the sea.'" Everyone stared at him making an 'not helping' face. Jay felt embarrassed so he just hugged him instead. "Permission to hug Lloyd?" He nodded a yes then gave him a cold but comfort hug. For the rest of the lunch period, they tried to cheer him up and make him feel better. Lloyd was really grateful and really glad he had friends like them. And he felt so lucky that he had a best friend like Kai. After lunch, he used his sport jacket sleeves to clean off his stained cheeks, he didn't even minded that Lloyd made tear stains on his white shirt like a tissue. And even before class started Kai would hold him and said he'll never his leave his side until he was better. Lloyd had this feeling in his chest, he felt like he felt it before. Was he started having a crush on Kai again? He stopped when him and Morro got together. Would Kai liked him back? They had been best friends since 1st grade. They always hang out and sometimes the team jokes around sawing they even acted like a couple. But he just got out of a relationship, and he would feel selfish about staring a new one right off the bat. But the rest of the day he just keep thinking about Kai and all the amazing things about him. He doesn't deserve him. But he final answered his question, he does now have a crush on Kai.

Lloyd got home around 4:00 in the evening. He used his apartment keys to get inside. There his mother was already cooking dinner. "Oh, Hi sweetie how was school." "Oh um it was okay." He said while awkwardly. Misako knew that something was definitely wrong. "Lloyd, did something happen, your cheeks are all red and your tone is quiet." Lloyd couldn't help but cry again. "Y-you know Morro, my boyfriend right?" "Of course, why." "H-he broke up with me." Misako was shocked and then started to hug and comfort him. "Oh no! oh my baby, it's okay." Lloyd had quiet little sobs while resting his head on her shoulder. "It's okay how about we have dinner then talk about this okay?" Lloyd nodded his head then set the table.

Time skip and also they had fancy ramen with Lloyd's favorite dummlings :3 XD srry.

After they were finished eating, Misako reached her hand out to touch Lloyd's. "Look I know this feels like it's the end of the world but trust me it's not. Sometimes relation ships don't always work okay?" "I know mom and don't worry I'll be fine, I just need time." Misako's phone went off and she checked it. "Lloyd, I have to go back to the office, they need me for something." "Oh okay." "Just clean up, don't answer the door and be in bed by 10 okay?" Llyod nodded. Misako then kissed his forehead then headed out. 

Another time skip cause I'm lazy ;-;

Lloyd cleaned the kitchen, did his homework and did had 15 minutes of boredom. So he decided to watch a little How to train your dragon cause it's been awhile since he seen it. About 20 minutes into the movie there was a knock at the door. Lloyd thought if he ignored it they would go away. Then a text from Kai just popped up. 

Kai: Hey Lloyd I'm at your door, could you let me in

Not even a second after reading the text Lloyd jump off the couch and open the door and maybe his heart skipped a beat.

"Hey Lloyd" He walked in. "What are you doing here?" Lloyd asked. "Oh This was sorta Nya's idea, the whole gang is worried about you so she asked me to spend the night with you." "Is that why you have a backpack." Kai put his backpack down."Yeah I got alot of stuff, sorta like our sleepovers." They both giggled. "Those were the good old times".

The two of them had the most time together. Played little games,ate candy (mostly Lloyd) and best of all, sitting on the roof top looking at the stars. With their hands really close to touching

"You know I used to do this with my mom." Kai said. Then he felt so upset about his parents, they disappeared. Lloyd touched his shoulder "Hey" They both started in each other's eyes,   "uh sorry, I- I didn't mean to bring the mood down." "No it's fine, I feel sad too because-" "Your dad?" Kai finished. Lloyd nodded his head then did something that he possibly going to regret.

He kissed Kai. Kai's eyes was wide and shocked. But then he melted into the kiss and kissed him back. They had to separated for air. "Oh my fsm I- I'm so sorry!" "Lloyd-" "I feel so selfish! I should-" He was about to leave but something grabbed his arm.
"Lloyd please don't leave me again, I-I love you!" Lloyd blushes he- he feels the same?! "You love me?"

"Yes I do and I did since 4th grade, I wanted to tell you but I was scared then you went with Morro and I- I was heartbroken, but you were happy so I supported you." Lloyd liked him and he liked him back but he broke his heart. He doesn't deserve him. Lloyd hugged Kai. "I love you too

And end to my first little story :3 sorry if it's crap but this was the first thing that came to my mind OWO 💚❤
Also art is mine ;-;

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