Chapter 4

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The distance from her bedroom window to the ground made it impossible to use as a means of escape. Staff were always loitering on the back stairs, likely to spot her. If she used the main entrance the butler would know. She truly was a prisoner. The next morning she was no nearer to working out her escape route, her ride in the park bringing little relief. At one point she contemplated galloping off, hiding somewhere until the allotted time. Or, riding to Baker Street.

"You look pale," her mother observed at lunch. "Perhaps you have exerted yourself. A rest this afternoon may assist. I'll instruct Grace no more lessons for the day."

Nicole retired to her room, watching the sun disappear behind the horizon, the sky darken, the hour approaching, still with no clear plan. How can I escape with eyes following me, watching my every move? There is no way out. None. Not without being caught. A tray was brought to her room a little after seven. Another bread roll stared at her. Think like Holmes. Think like Holmes. What would he do?

Details, inconsequential details, others might not spot. What details were important? And, how can I use them to my advantage? Think, think. They will not expect me to be out of my room. What else? The servants will be busy serving the main dining room. That leaves the library empty. Good, good. No, bad. There's still a drop from the window to the ground. Can't be helped.

A clock on the mantelpiece chimed eight. An hour before she would be meeting Holmes, hopefully. That still left the problem of attire. Clambering out of a window in a long dress would be difficult. Freddie! she exclaimed, wondering if any of his clothes remained in his room. Nightlight at the ready, she scanned the corridor for servants, listening for footsteps. All was quiet, other than the pounding in her ears. Thankfully, the door to Freddie's bedroom was unlocked, rummaging through the large wardrobe.

It was an odd sensation staring at herself in the mirror, wearing her brother's clothes. A little too large for her, at least they would allow movement not possible in her own clothing. Placing the tray on the table just outside her room she watched the minute hand of the clock sweep nearer to nine. At a quarter to she left her room, remembering to stuff enough clothes under the covers on her bed to give the impression of her sleeping. Rudimentary, she concluded, but it would suffice. For now.

She heard the sound of laughter and conversation coming from the dining room, praying she would not bump into anyone as she tiptoed down the main staircase. The library door was ajar, Nicole's heart beating so fast it began to hurt her chest. Someone must be in there, she thought, as she peered in. She let out a sigh on seeing it empty, closing the door behind her, heading to the window. It took a few moments to release the catch, pushing up the lower half, a cool breeze refreshing against her face.

With one leg over the windowsill, it hit her what she was doing. This was it. In a few moments she would be free, free to explore with Mister Sherlock Holmes. Another thought hit her. She had no way of closing the window once through. A moment's hesitation. Go. Not go. What was it to be? Go. She must go.

She lay flat, pulling the lower half of the window as close to her back as would allow her to fit through. She hoped to close it once all of her was on the outside. I can do this. I can do this. Her hands gripped the narrow ledge outside, room enough she hoped to perch before dropping to the ground. Her other leg through, all remained was to close the window. It closed with a loud thud, Nicole unable to hold on, landing in a heap on the ground. "Ouch. Not the most ladylike of exits."

She couldn't help but laugh at what she was doing. And now to the park. Rubbing her backside, she hobbled to the gate at the far end of the garden, the one that led onto the park. Locked, letting out a cry of frustration. Why was nothing easy? she asked herself. The entrance to the park was but a few yards away, and here she was staring at a locked door, plus a wall too high to climb. I will not be defeated. I have come too far to let this additional problem stop me.

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