Chapter 34

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A groom from the Beaufort household chaperoned Waverly as she made her way back with Alice. The young infant was fast asleep in her pram, sucking her thumb. Entering Park Street she found Wynonna in the dining room, pleased at their return. "I couldn't spend another moment in bed," she announced, tucking into a light meal. "How is my little pea?"

"Exhausted, as I am," Waverly replied, plonking herself on a chair. "Nicole's been arrested. Again."

Wynonna placed her fork down. "Again?"

Waverly recounted the events, including Nicole's revelation regarding her sight. "She is ashamed of her limitation."

"I had my suspicions."

"You never said."

"It explains her clumsiness."

"Her mother approves. Of us."

"Are you sure she is the one you wish to share your life with?" Waverly tutted in response. "You understand it will come at a price."

"Which I am willing to pay."

"Society may not be as accepting. Her father may not be as accepting."

"You seem perfectly accepting of her generosity," Waverly replied, eyeing Wynonna's plate.

"I would caution you to be mindful of your heart."

"I love her. You know I do. And...and, she loves me. I'm certain of it."

"But, if her father disapproves."

"He doesn't. least...he doesn't know about us. Not yet."

"Waverly, she is not...this is not some ordinary family who can go about their business beyond the prying eyes of the public. She is an aristocrat, the daughter of an Earl, far beyond our position in society."

"It doesn't matter. None of that matters. We can make a new life for ourselves, away from all this and all those prying eyes. Switzerland. Or, America. India perhaps."

"And, do what?"

"You've always been jealous of her," Waverly snapped, her eyes flooding. "If it weren't for you, she would have-"

"I'm thinking of you. And, that huge heart of yours. Yes, I want to see you happy. If it's with Nicole then I will not stand in your way. I'm simply stating what might come between you and the happiness you seek."

"I cannot contemplate a life without her. Even if her sight fails. It is enough to know she cares for me as much as I care for her."

"Then I will do everything in my power to make it so."

Waverly reached over to hold her sister's hand. "I'm sorry, I've not asked how you are."

"A little tender. We are truly blessed with Watson."

"What brought Sherlock back to Reordan's?"

"He was looking for something. He focused on one particular corner of the room."

"Could he have gone alone?"

"Perhaps. He tasked me with taking samples which I foolishly managed to leave behind. I'm hoping to go back to see if I can retrieve anything from the fire."

"What has he done to us?" Waverly said, more as a question to herself than to her sister. "How are we like this?"

"You and I both know we wouldn't have it any other way."

The sisters continued their conversation into the evening while Sherlock and Nicole set out along the river to pay a visit to Blackwood's factory.

The Thames was on an ebb tide slowing their progress, the Lucy fighting against the current, its coal-powered engine struggling to make headway. Sherlock pulled out his pocket watch, checking the time as he sucked on his lit pipe. The night was upon them, a little after ten, their destination more than half an hour away. He steadied himself as the vessel hit a passing wave, Nicole huddled in one corner with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

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