Chapter 40

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The train from Bern arrived shortly after five that evening. "I'm so tired," Nicole said, resting her head on Waverly's shoulder as their taxi took them on the short journey to the house. "I could sleep for a week."

"It's been a long day," Waverly replied. "Alice will still be up no doubt. Wanting a cuddle from her adorable aunt."

"She will make a fine engineer," Nicole said, mimicking her father.

"I would prefer her to be a doctor," John said. "There are opportunities for learned women in Europe. However, I will be guided by my wife if she prefers to return to England."

Nicole squeezed Waverly's hand.

The maid rushed out to meet them as they exited the taxi, Alice in her arms. "Two police men," she said, panic in her voice. "Herr Holmes has gone to the lake."

"Why?" John asked.

"He was worried."

"How long?"

"Many hours."

"Something's wrong," Nicole said, stopping the taxi from leaving. "We go to the lake."

The three were silent as the vehicle pulled up by the edge of the lake, the area deserted, no sign of Sherlock, or the police, the only sign of life a light in the window of the café. John hammered on the door. The owner was not best pleased at being disturbed, informing the group where Sherlock was headed. They approached the falls as the light was fading, the path up closed to visitors.

John was first out, Nicole following, running towards the entrance. The ticket office was shut, no one around to ask. Waverly was last out of the vehicle, scanning the area, spotting the police car parked near the path leading to the falls. She approached, peering inside, Sherlock's familiar handwriting on a piece of paper had been left on the passenger seat. "I have gone to find Wynonna. He has her. The falls is where he intends to defeat me. Send help."

Her hands shook as she handed the note to Nicole. "I can't lose them," she whispered.

"Stay here with John."

"I will come with you," he said. "This is my family."

Nicole was already removing all that restricted her ability to move quickly. Down to her undergarments she accepted his jacket. "You need to keep up with me," was all she said as she raced off. The path was steep, the terrain rugged, Nicole stumbling a few times as her feet slipped on the muddy ground. Halfway up they found the body of the first police officer, a little further up the second, still alive, a bullet wound to his leg. "Stay with him," she yelled, "he needs your help," running off.

As she reached the final section of the path overlooking the falls she could hear two men through the cacophony of water crashing against rock. "Your precious family are of no concern to me," the stranger yelled. "I will destroy them simply to enjoy the look on your face."

"My life for theirs."

"Oh, but that's not even a credible calculation. Your life and their life. That's a better offer."

"I will kill you if you harm any of them."

"Will you? Will you really? Your precious niece is presently locked inside the luggage space of my vehicle. And, only I know where."

"I will tear your heart out with my own hands if you hurt any member of my family."

A laugh rang out. "How feeble to be bound to those who merely breathe the same air."

"Name yourself, damn you," Sherlock yelled. "So I know who I have killed."

"A trivial thing like my name should not concern you as I watch you die. Professor Moriarty. James Moriarty."

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