Chapter 22

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As much as Nicole wanted to stay and discuss the case with Sherlock, she knew if she didn't go to Waverly it would create a bigger problem. "Can I come in?" she said, knocking lightly on Waverly's bedroom door. "I understand your concerns. Really I do."

The door opened, Waverly's eyes already red, a hankie in her hand. She stood to one side to allow Nicole to enter, returning to the stool in front of the dressing table while Nicole perched on the edge of the bed. "Nothing I say matters," she began, letting her hair down, Nicole's attention now fully on her. "I know he can't be persuaded, but you."

She stroked her hair with the brush in her hand, letting it fall over one shoulder. Her low-cut dress revealed her neck, not something to be worn if leaving the house, high collars and long sleeves the respectable requirement. Nicole's mind went blank for a moment, her desire to place a light touch on Waverly's skin becoming more and more torture until she could bear it no more.

Standing behind her, taking the brush she began to move it through Waverly's hair, her other hand softly caressing the curve of her neck. Waverly's eyes closed, a slight hitch in her breathing as Nicole danced her fingers across soft skin. "We could lock the door," she suggested, opening one eye.

"Are you sure?" was all she said, receiving a nod in reply.

And now, the process of disrobing began in earnest. Waverly helping Nicole out of her formal attire, then Nicole watching as Waverly unfastened her dress, letting it fall to the ground. Petticoats and hooped skirts, corsets and boots lay strewn around the room as they snuggled into each other. "I've thought about this moment for some time," Waverly said, her nerves evident.

"I've been thinking about it too. This is all I need in my life."

"Oh, I thought. Is this it?"

Nicole let out a laugh. "This is definitely not it. But, this is the start."

"What did you and Eliza do?"

"Just this."


"Eliza was married. She...let's just say she knew her way around."

"Your room?"

"You could call it that. There's a whole room to explore if you'll let me."

Waverly looked confused. "You'll have to teach me."

"And you me. I will learn your body, as you learn mine."


"One caress at a time."

Waverly pressed her lips to Nicole's.

Had it not been for Wynonna hammering on their door they would have remained in bed for the rest of the day. "What do you want?" Waverly said, placing one finger over Nicole's lips.

"Alice is grizzly, and wants Aunty Nic Nic."

"Can she wait an hour?"

"Two," Nicole whispered, giggling.

"Can she wait two hours?"

Wynonna twisted the doorknob. "Can you tell Nicole her favourite godchild needs her more?"

"Tell her I'll take Alice to see the horses this afternoon," Nicole whispered.

"She'll take Alice to see the horses this afternoon," Waverly repeated.

"Fine," Wynonna huffed. "Just don't make too much noise in the meantime. I'm getting one of my heads."

The sound of giggling could be heard as Wynonna stomped off to deal with a restless child.

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