Chapter 28

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Sherlock's attention turned to Waverly. "What took you out?"

"I went to see Ma."

"It is not the place for you."

Waverly lowered her gaze, Nicole almost stepping in to argue her case. She chose to remain silent, having come to realise this was what everyone did. "She says it was the French who set light to the laboratory. Victor's men. She mentioned a professor, but wouldn't say if that was Victor."

"What do your instincts tell you?"

"Not Victor. But, someone he knows."

"Your instincts are correct."

"How so?"

"Victor is a cheating scoundrel. His men were those I fought at The Grapes. I allowed him to lace my brandy with Laudanum, taking just enough to lose my last fight."

"That's what I don't understand," Nicole interrupted. "Why would you let someone beat you to within an inch of your life?"

"Because, he needed to see it," Sherlock replied.


"The man who wants to remain in the shadows while I dance to his tune."

"Uncle, you're not making sense."

"There are things I would rather not say. In time perhaps. Waverly, your sister needs you."

Waverly suddenly remembered she was neglecting Wynonna, and Alice, hurrying from the room. Nicole waited for the door to her study to close before continuing. "You agree it's Blackwood who killed his father?"

Sherlock nodded. "He will know we are onto him. I erroneously assumed he was the one who razed Reordan's laboratory."

"Why did you go back?"

"The pigs. Far too many. And, the plant in the window. Salvia Divinorum, or seer's sage, used throughout the ages to bring on visions if sufficient quantities are consumed."

"I'm lost. Pigs and plants, what's the connection?"

Sherlock searched his pocket for his pipe, deciding not to light it given the rawness in his lungs. He sucked on the unlit instrument, letting it hang from his lips for a few moments. "A sack in Reordan's store cupboard gave off the peculiar smell of sage, which leads me to conclude he was distilling an elixir from the leaves of the plant. He merely had one on his windowsill for sentimental reasons."

"And, the pigs?"


Nicole shook her head. "Still not understanding."

"I suspect Reordan was experimenting with the toxin. For what ends I do not yet know."

"What do we do about the French?"

"Do? We do nothing. They are not my concern."

"But, they will know you were at the laboratory. And, this professor."

"As I said, all in good time."

Nicole wanted to slap Sherlock about the face, knowing he was withholding information, something that might stop her and Waverly stumbling into dangerous territory. As she stood to leave Sherlock reached out for her hand. "I realise now I should have taken you yesterday."

She didn't know whether to be pleased, or offended. He had put one of his family at risk with his desire, his curiosity to know what Reordan was working on. He could have gone alone, that was obvious, except Nicole now recognised Sherlock could not vocalise what was in his heart. He relied on Wynonna, adored Waverly, while tolerating her presence. It hardly mattered, but she finally understood why Wynonna had told her, all those years ago, to protect Waverly. It was bred into her. And, it was what Waverly was rebelling against.

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