Chapter 5

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Nicole waited for the door to close, removing her brother's trousers, hobbling across the room to hide his clothing in a trunk. Her ankle throbbed, the tight bandage applied by Dr Watson helping somewhat, a new task before her, that of explaining how she came by such an injury in her bedroom. A lie would be required.

She managed to get her boots on the next morning, albeit with some effort, wincing a little as she limped downstairs. Her mother was already seated, looking up as she entered. "My dear, what is wrong?"

"My ankle. I must have twisted it yesterday, while riding."

"I shall take a look at it."

"No," Nicole said a little too quickly, remembering the bandage. "It hardly hurts."

"Let me be the judge. You must rest it. We have the banquet in a few days. You need to be well enough to attend."

Nicole's ankle improved, the banquet came and went, wearing the gown her mother had chosen. It hardly mattered, the conversation with Waverly in her bedroom all that consumed her thoughts. The possibility of meeting a real thief, albeit reformed, too exciting. And, the others, whoever they were. Retiring to her room, about to change into her nightdress, she heard a shuffling sound coming from her wardrobe. Opening the doors Waverly was seated at the bottom smiling up at her. "How did you get there?"

Waverly extracted herself from the piece of furniture, Nicole spotting her attire immediately. "Invisible," she replied, twirling. "Nobody looks at a scullery maid."

Nicole let out a laugh. "Where's your sister?"

"In the carriage waiting."


Waverly nodded. "I have clothes for you to wear."

She pulled a bundle from the wardrobe, holding them out. Once more Nicole stood before her mirror dressed as a boy, a beggar this time, less conspicuous than her brother's clothes. Invisible. She placed the peaked cap on her head to cover her hair, Waverly looking on. "What now?"

Waverly beckoned with her finger, leading the way to the back stairs, Nicole adamant they would be caught at any moment. The side door was unlocked, courtesy of Wynonna's skills, the pair walking briskly towards the garden gate, where the carriage awaited. "What kept you?" Wynonna said, on entering. "My, don't you look handsome Lord Haught."

"Not entirely sure why you provided male clothing," Nicole replied.

"Waverly's idea."

"It wasn't," Nicole noticing her cheeks reddening. "My sister fibs."

"I specifically recall you saying how much you admired Nicole in a man's suit."

"I never!"

The bickering went on for much of their journey, only ceasing as they approached The Anchor at Bankside close to the river. It would be the first time Nicole set foot in a public house, the first time being out in London dressed as a boy. Wynonna swung open the door of the carriage, jumping down, marching off in the direction of the entrance. Waverly held back, waiting for Nicole to exit, walking alongside.

The noise inside took Nicole by surprise. Laughter, someone playing a piano, men, lots of men standing round drinking, most in clothes that had seen better days. Waverly took Nicole's hand leading her through the gathering to a room at the back. There, in a private room, Sherlock Holmes was deep in discussion with another, Dr Watson sitting quietly nodding in agreement.

"Ah, we hoped you could join us," Holmes said, spotting Nicole by the door. "Come in. Come in. We have rather a lot to get through."

"Who's this?" Dolls asked, studying Nicole.

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