Chapter 38

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Nicole had never been so glad to see her Park Street residence, she and Sherlock dripping on the doorstep as they waited for the door to open. Their walk from the Thames had garnered looks from those who passed. Not so much for their wet clothes, rather for their satisfied smiles, two cats who had got the cream. Or, in this instance protected England from tyranny.

The delight in Waverly's eyes on seeing them was everything to Nicole. She took Waverly in her arms, kissing her in full view of those passing. She no longer cared. She was home, she was loved, and she had survived the previous twenty-four hours without being killed, or injured.

They had succeeded. The damp duo had saved the day, saved Nicole's father, and lived to tell the tale. Unaware of Blackwood's escape, a hot bath and a change of clothes the pair spent the rest of the afternoon recounting their adventures, each taking turns to add another detail, or correct the other's story. "Sherlock would have let the fourth man shoot me," Nicole said, sipping her warmed brandy, Waverly glaring at her uncle.

"I most certainly would have not," he countered. "I merely needed to distract the fellow."

"And, don't get me started on the ball of clay. How did you ever think that would work?"

"I will admit I had not allowed for its dampness having been in my pocket while escaping Coward."

"He made me smell a rat's tail."

"You let me kiss you," Waverly teased. "You might have mentioned the rat's tail before I-"

"Sniffed. These lips are safe."

Waverly's cheeks reddened. "It sounds like you both had rather a lot of fun."

"We did," Nicole replied, her eyes twinkling like those of a child opening their presents on Christmas morning. "A tad dangerous in places, but such fun."

Nicole's housekeeper entered the drawing room. "Inspector Lestrade is outside. Shall I ask him to come in?"

Nicole and Sherlock looked at each other, both nodding. The inspector entered the room, removing his hat, bowing to Nicole. "Lady Haught, Mr Holmes I believe a thank you is in order."

"It was nothing," Sherlock replied.

"Lord Coward confessed to his part in the plot. He specifically mentioned your name."

"What news of Blackwood?"

"We found his body floating in the Thames an hour ago."

"Are you quite sure he's dead?" "Nicole said. "As in finally dead."

"Quite sure," Lestrade replied, winking. "Put four bullets in him myself to make sure."

Nicole stared at the inspector. "Really?"

"The press want an interview. If you'd prefer to keep a low profile, I'd suggest staying here for a while."

"Or, Switzerland," Wynonna offered. "There's plenty of room, and by the sounds of it we all need a holiday.

"I'll need to take a statement from you," Lestrade added. "Perhaps we can arrange a time for you to visit Scotland Yard."

Bowing to Nicole once more, he donned his bowler hat, leaving the family to relax. The world was perfect. Everything was perfect. Her father had been saved, as had Parliament. Sherlock was still alive, she didn't have a bullet in her back, and Blackwood was finally out of the picture. She couldn't be entirely sure whether Lestrade was joking about the four bullets in Blackwood's body, then again if he had she would sleep even more soundly.

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