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LMAO I loved reading the difference of reactions between Wattpad readers and Quotev readers. To my Wattpad readers, sorry if the last chapter pissed you off/confused you. That was my way of giving you time to brace yourself for the upcoming tragedies that are going to come, but I forgot that only my Quotev readers would understand what the ":)" meant.

I'm more active in Quotev when it comes to replying to people's comments and sometimes I tend to comment ":)". It's come to the point where my Quotev readers call it 'the smiley face of doom' because nothing good happens when I comment ":)" (for example, me killing Essie off, me ruining Essie and Alabaster's relationship, me revealing Regulus to be abusive, etc).

I feel a lil bad since my Quotev readers had time to brace themselves while my Wattpaders were clueless, so I'll just tell you this: What's going to happen in the this chapter, and the next chapters to come, are going to psychologically worsen the characters for the rest of their miserable lives if I have them live that long. It's going to leave lasting impacts so I hope you're ready for it because my characters certainly aren't!


ESMERELDA MISSED WASHING THE DISHES with lava. Roman punishments were harsh. Octavian couldn't decide between having them scrub the streets with a toothbrush or sewing them inside a sack full of angry weasels and dumping them into the Little Tiber. He settled with making them clean the bull pens at the coliseum, which wasn't the greatest of options. 

Having to listen to Ethan and Étienne's argument for the past three hours only made it worse, in Esmerelda's opinion. 

"Would you watch where you're waving that fucking shovel?!" Ethan snapped.

"Why don't you just watch where you're going?! You still have one eye left, you're not completely blind!" Étienne hissed, his face covered in sweat. He was not used to physical labor, even after all the harsh training he went through in the Wolf House. 

"Guys," Esmerelda sighed. 

Neither of them were listening. Ethan tossed his shovel to the side and stormed over to the younger boy. Étienne ditched his shovel too and straightened up, readying himself for a fight until the eagles swooped in on the scene and started pecking at them. 

"Gods dammit!" Ethan fumed in frustration, trying to swat the birds away. "Alright, alright! We'll stop fighting!" 

"Go away!" Étienne cried out, covering his face. 

Esmerelda watched them, feeling another sigh leave her lips. 

They had been stuck cleaning the bullpens for three hours now, and the only ones in the coliseum were them. Their weapons had been confiscated by Terminus which was good thinking because Ethan and Étienne would've killed each other by now, and Octavian had put the eagles in charge of watching them. If they tried to leave, used their powers, or attacked each other, the eagles would come and peck them to death. Other than that, they would perch themselves on the roofs of the bullpens and watch them through the gaps between the wooden beams. 

Steresis━𝐯𝐢.( PJO/HP )Where stories live. Discover now