Temporary break... sowwie 🥺💖

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Okay, so if you read the beginning of the Fun Facts part 3 chapter, you're probably aware that I'm having trouble with Wattpad constantly flagging me all of a sudden. 

And well... after that, I got flagged two more times. 

It was for this anime gif from an old drafted book that I haven't touched in years. I deleted to gif and then deleted the whole book too because honestly, I was never going to go back to writing it so why not. 

Problem solved, right?

Nope! I got flagged again, but get this... IT WAS FOR THE EXACT SAME GIF THEY FLAGGED ME FOR JUST AN HOUR AGO!!!! The exact same one! When you get flagged, Wattpad sends you a message and shows you the image/gif you were flagged for, as well as the chapter it came from. So when I clicked on the link they gave me, I was like "wtf, I JUST deleted this" 

I tried to appeal it to Wattpad, but I never got a confirmation message saying that my appeal was submitted. 

I don't know what is going on but this just made it the fourth time I was flagged and in such a short amount of time too!!!

First time I was flagged: it happened a month or so ago. It came from a drafted chapter from the Church of Essie book and the gif was of a couple smiling at each other and then kissing. 

Second time I was flagged: Happened like... three days ago. It was from a drafted book I made years ago and never touched since then. Wattpad gave me NO MESSAGE FOR IT BY THE WAY. The only reason I knew I was flagged was because I went to check out all of my books, and there was a warning symbol at the top of the page that told me one of my images had been flagged. I searched around for the book and when I looked to see what the image was, I couldn't even see it anymore because the picture was no longer available and had probably been that way for years (it was greyed out with the Wattpad symbol over it). Deleted it anyways just in case. 

Third time I was flagged: This happened just yesterday. I was flagged AGAIN. I deleted the goddamn gif and book and hoped it was over.

Fourth time: BUT NOPE. ONE HOUR LATER THEY FLAGGED ME FOR THE EXACT SAME GIF THAT I ALREADY DELETED!!! I tried appealing it but nothing so far. 



According to CuteTrash, if you go check out Wattpad's article "Image Moderation", it talks about how they recently changed the way they moderated the images. And up at the top, the article was edited in October 3, 2021. This could definitely explain why I'm being flagged so suddenly, but it's so annoyingggggg 😫

(EDIT: I just checked it now and the article was edited again today at 9:37)

I have no idea if there's some sort of limit to how many times you can get flagged before Wattpad kicks you out for good but I've already been given some helpful advice if that ever happens:

- Put all my drafted chapters into a different website like Google docs or Microsoft Word or Evernote. I'm stupid, so all this time I've been writing directly onto Wattpad and then copy-pasting the chapter into Quotev before publishing simultaneously. A lot of people told me that I should write the chapters in Google docs first or whatever, so that's what I'm gonna do

- Make a backup Wattpad account. Is that a thing though??? Do a lot of authors do that? Does anyone know if that actually works though? Like have any of you been booted off of Wattpad in your main account, but were able to successfully continue on in your backup account? I don't know if Wattpad does IP banning, but if it does, then I don't think I would do this...

- If I ever do get banned and I can't come back, move to Archive of our Own 😃 This was actually really good advice because there's soooo much fucked up stories are in Ao3 and those guys are never banned 😂 But I've always been so nervous about moving there because the stories look so... professional??? Like, authors never post any pictures, gifs, OR MEMES 😢

- Or move to Tumblr. DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY WRITE STRAIGHT UP BOOKS IN TUMBLR THOUGH??? I know they do short stories and stuff, but I've never seen one write a whole ass series 😂😂😂

- Or just stick with Quotev lol

Sooooo yeah! 

I'm gonna be busy transferring my remaining drafted chapters to Google docs and trying to get used to writing there first. I also need to try out ao3 and tumblr to see if I'm comfy with it... Hopefully the flagging issue dies down because it's aggravating the SHIT out of me...

I know I said I'll be gone for about a week in the last chapter, but unfortunately because of the new issues that just spouted up, I'll have to extend it to maybe two weeks... tee hee 🥺💖

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