Me and Rick 🤝 Messing Up Everyone's Ages

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It's like 4 AM where I'm at right now and for some odd reason I'm here trying to do math... Anyways, I'm probably wrong on this because I'm sleepy and I suck at math (which is not a good combination), BUT JUST BEAR WITH ME!

Okay, I've heard some people claim that Nico was born in 1924 or 1928 or something (not from you guys but from other PJO fans)??? If you go back to House of Hades, Nico tells Jason that Maria and Hades met in the 1930s. Then he tells him that he was "maybe six" when he and his family visited Diocletian's Palace in 1938.

Here's a passage:

"With my mother and Bianca. A weekend trip from Venice. I was maybe... six?"

"That was when... the 1930s?"

"Thirty-eight or so," Nico said absently. "Why do you care? Do you see that winged guy anywhere?"

He couldn't have been born in 1924-1928 if he was six years old in 1938.


Now moving on to Hazel... She was born in December 17, 1928.

That not only makes her chronologically older than Nico, but physically too. As for when she died??? 1942. A month and day wasn't mentioned but if you do the math, she would've been fourteen.

(1942-1928=14 🤓👍)

UNLESS, she died before she could turn fourteen, then she would've been thirteen years old.

(I like to think she died before she could turn fourteen to make things less confusing for me)

But regardless of that, she would've been FOURTEEN by the time she was introduced in The Son of Neptune and NOT thirteen as it's been stated in the books a couple of times. Hazel was brought back to life in... October??? September??? Idk, but it was a few months before December. Meaning, during her stay in Camp Jupiter (before Percy showed up), she would've already turned fourteen years old.

Meanwhile, for some odd reason in the first chapter of The House of Hades, Nico states "In human years, he was barely fourteen, just a year older than Hazel". I think Rick might have mentioned Nico being fourteen more than one time throughout that book (and maybe Blood of Olympus too), but nope! He was wrong! Nico was thirteen throughout the entirety of HOO, while Hazel was fourteen, not thirteen.

So in conclusion...

Hazel (14) is chronologically and physically older than Nico (13).

Nico will always be the babie of the family, lmao.

Now that we've finished talking about Rick's oopsies, let's move on to mine.

(I am dying on the inside as I type this, I fucking hate everything 😭)

I... have a confession to make 😔😔😔

The ages of my characters.......... are completely fucked up 😔

Me 🤝 Rick


Okay but for real guys, I am SOOOO sorry for messing it up. I'm just not good at keeping up with ages and I only ever made a list of my characters ages and birthdays just recently. And I don't even include the birth years because of the clashing time settings between the two series. So my list basically says shit like "Essie is two years younger than this dude, and one year older than this girl" etc etc. But I never specify if it's exactly two years or if it's just one year and a few months, so that really screwed things up for me.

For those wondering why the fuck didn't I just pick a time setting, idk why 😅 I was supposed to make it ambiguous, but I fucked it up back in book one by mentioning air pods and iphones, soooo this is gonna be a modern AU (which I already stated a few books before so this shouldn't be news to you, hopefully) 🤗

Gods, I remember how I kept saying Ethan was two years older than Essie BUT I WAS SOOO WRONG, I'm sorry you guys!!! In my defense, Ethan shows up in the PJO half of my books a majority of the time, and Essie is always seemingly two years younger than him since her birthday only comes up at the very end of the PJO half. But he's actually just a year and a few months older so I'm so sorry about the confusion!! 😭😭😭

Anyways I'm finally gonna try and fix my mistakes by giving a CLEAR list of the (main) character's birthdays and ages at the current time Steresis is in.

Since this is a modern AU, right now the story is taking place in mid-June 2021 since that is when Percy canonically arrives at Camp Jupiter (this is also a no COVID AU btw 😂). Steresis will end sometime in August, but I might end it on September instead (remember, a majority of HOO takes place during the summer).

So here's the list!

* Essie: September 8, 2004 (Currently sixteen, but will turn seventeen later on in the book)

* Ethan: April 23, 2003 (Eighteen years old)

* Alabaster: February 11, 2002 (Nineteen years old)

* Étienne: May 20, 2005 (Sixteen years old)

* Lou Ellen: March 2, 2006 (Fifteen years old)

* Nico:

Chronologically—born January 28, 1932 so he would be 89

Physically—thirteen years old

* Percy: August 18, 2004 (Currently sixteen, but will turn seventeen later on in the book)

* Annabeth: July 12, 2004 (Currently sixteen, but will turn seventeen later on in the book)

* Reyna: July 20, 2005 (Currently fifteen, but will later turn sixteen later on in the book)

* Hazel:

Chronologically—born December 17, 1928 so she would be 92 going on 93 😂

Physically—fourteen years old

* Frank: June 5, 2005 (Sixteen)

* Jason: July 1, 2005 (Currently fifteen years old, but will turn sixteen later on in the book)

* Leo: July 7, 2005 (Currently fifteen years old, but will turn sixteen later on in the book)

* Piper: June 3, 2005 (Sixteen)

* Hermione: September 19, 2004 (Currently sixteen, but will turn seventeen later on)

* Harry: July 31, 2005 (Currently fifteen, but will turn sixteen later on)

* Ron: March 1, 2005 (Sixteen)

* Draco: June 5, 2005 (Sixteen)

* Sirius: November 3, 1984 (Currently thirty-six, but will turn thirty-seven later on)

* Regulus:

Chronologically—born October 12, 1986 so he would be 32 going on 33

Physically—eighteen, but will turn nineteen later on

I am so sorry for all the mistakes I made you guys, omfg I gotta keep a book full of important details about my characters so I can keep track of everything asefwhifghsfuw

Anyways, my brain's gonna shut down soon so thank you for coming to my TED Talk! Goodnight!

(Also I'll update later when I wake up 💖)

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