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Hope you enjoyed the last two chapters cuz fun time's over! We're back to trauma now :)

FOR SOME ODD REASON, ESMERELDA was dreaming of Nico, who was nowhere near where he was supposed to be and he was even fighting someone too.

But that couldn't be it, because Nico was supposed to be with her, right? Right.

...Oh who was she kidding.

Nico was at the top of some shiny bronze fortress, facing off against an ugly looking monster. She would've mistaken it for one of the gorgons, except this one was lacking boar husks and had way too many teeth.

The creature was this purple abomination (no, not Barney) with hair that reminded her of Davy Jones' tentacle beard from Pirates of the Caribbean, bones sticking out from her legs, and a hyperactive tail that looked like it could pierce through brick walls.

Who is that? Esmerelda wondered worriedly. She had never seen this particular monster before, and she was pretty sure Nico hadn't either.

She watched as they fought closely, and then she saw the monster's tail strike upwards to stab Nico in the back. The sight of it made her gasp, but Nico barely even flinched before slicing it clean off.

The monster let out a hiss of anger and flew towards him for another attack, but he slapped her across the face with her own severed tail.

"Hah!" If Esmerelda could jump with joy, she would. "Take that, you ugly hag! Go Nico!"


Esmerelda cocked her head back in offense. Who was this monster who thought she could speak for her? She didn't want her son dead, what the fuck?!

The monster came back with a vengeance, her attacks faster and more lethal than ever. Esmerelda wanted nothing more than to wake up now she could Mist travel to Nico's side. He didn't look like he was having an easy time right now. He had went on the defensive, trying fruitlessly to block or parry her attacks, but she was too fast for him.

Esmerelda was starting to feel sick in the stomach watching the fight and being unable to do anything. More and more cuts were showing on his skin with every swipe of the monster's claws, blood was spilling down on the ground, and she knew Nico wouldn't be able to last any longer, not when he was already so exhausted.

And then came the final hit.

"DIE!" Mormo yelled out.

Her hand moved up so fast it was like a blur. It smacked Nico in the face, and he went flying to the side of the fortress.

Steresis━𝐯𝐢.( PJO/HP )Where stories live. Discover now