New Story!

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Hey, hope you're all doing okay!

I've recently started working on a new story! It's a Marauder based fic (The earlier era of Harry Potter) and is focused mainly around Remus and Sirius! I've been wanting to write a wolfstar fic for a while now but haven't found the time to write, or a plot I wanted to stick with.

I know I've only written Larry fics since first starting out but I'm hoping that some of you will want to check it out?

It's up now and I'll be updating once a week as I'm still trying to finish another Larry fic I'm working on! But here's the summary:

Share my night sky

Sirius Black, a loudmouth rockstar who's hobby it is to always make headlines. Sirius is beyond troubled and stuck in a constant cycle of sex and partying that he just can't seem to drag himself out of. Ever since parting ways with his former bandmates, The Serpents, Sirius has lost his passion for music and doesn't believe he'll ever become the version of himself everyone thought he was destined to be all those years ago. He's stuck on a never ending roundabout with no way out, and with no control over his own life everything seems to be slowly crumbling around him.

Remus Lupin is just trying to get by. What with being a single parent to his four year old son while simultaneously trying to kickstart his career as a radio presenter. Remus has got everything he's ever needed though, friends that are always close by, his mum who's only a phone call away, and of course, his son, Teddy. What else is there? But it's not long before Remus' relatively normal life gets flipped on its head and he's suddenly forced to deal with situations he never thought he'd have to.

There are a few warnings with this new fic so please look before you read!

Strong language, mentions of drugs and alcohol, sex, homophobia, descriptions of past child abuse, outings, struggles with sexuality and mental health.

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