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It had been a couple days since the incident in Berlin yet everyone was still talking about it. Louis and Harry did their best to ignore it but it was practically everywhere they looked. Their sisters had given them a lot of shit for it after they saw, texting non stop and laughing down the phone at them, which resulted in a lot of ignored calls. Then late that night their mums had phoned to giggle about it, teasing them playfully causing the boys to say their goodbyes before quickly hanging up- not really wanting to hear their mums talking about their sex life. But since then no one around them really spoke much of it. It didn't bother the couple as much as everyone thought it would, they found it quite funny actually. It was also so crazy to watch the entire world go mad about their tourbus adventure. Let's just say that management weren't too happy about the rumours even though nothing could be proven to show that it was actually them inside. They let it slide as it was bringing more attention to the tour and because the boys were scheduled to come out soon enough. Even though they were being lenient they did start to pressure the couple with announcement dates.

Louis went on to play in Paris and then Amsterdam which was an incredible experience- not just for him but the whole team. The shows were amazing, the fans were so loud and loving, it was crazy for Louis to hear them sing his songs back to him. Louis absolutely loved being out on stage but always knowing that Harry was out there in the audience, watching him, made it even better.

They all had landed back in London the day after his show in the Netherlands and he had four whole days until he played his next in London. If he was being honest he was the most excited about his London show. Sure he was over the moon to be able to play in his hometown Doncaster but London would be the one place where everyone he loved would come together.

"Lou?" Harry called out from where he was stood by the patio doors.

They had been home for a couple hours and the first thing Louis did was sit outside in his garden with his dogs. He missed them like mad when he was on the road so he was excited to be able to throw a ball around with them. Now though, he was sat at the wooden table just watching Clifford and Bruce chase each other about across the large field.

"You alright Haz?" Louis asked as he looked up at his boyfriend, pushing his sunglasses up into his hair as he did.

Harry smiled softly at him before taking a seat beside him. "All good." He replied as he laid his head down on the mans shoulder, Louis just smiled and wound his arm around Harry's waist, "Just got off the phone with mum, she's really excited for the show."

"Me too, I think everyone is honestly." Louis chuckled as he gently thumbed over Harry's side, "The girls haven't stopped texting me about it."

Harry laughed lightly at that, "They're cute." Louis hummed happily in reply and that's when Cliff finally spotted Harry. The labradoodle bounded it's way across the freshly cut grass and jumped up on the green eyed boy, nuzzling his nose into the side of Harry's leg.

Harry giggled at him as he pet his black curly fur, Louis couldn't hold back his grin as he watched the pair. Both Clifford and Bruce had seem to be pretty taken by Harry since day one, but Cliff definitely loved the boy a lot, especially after everything that had happened earlier in the year with Harry. Whenever Harry was around he always got so excited and only ever wanted to stay by him, Bruce was the same but he had always been a little more laid back than Cliff. Louis loved that the dogs had that connection with Harry though, it was so incredibly sweet to see. Louis liked to tell the younger boy that it was only because Harry gave them extra treats, which always made the green eyed boy giggle.

"Where's my cuddle Cliff?" Louis asked, chuckling away as he watched the labradoodle lay down by Harry's feet and stare up at him with his head on his paws. "Always thought I was your favourite mate but I see how the tables have turned." Louis laughed out once the dog showed no sign of moving away from Harry.

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