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Louist91 I like getting excited about things again :)
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Ltw2891 do you always look this angelic?? It's unfair😭
Felicitegrace happy you're happy💜
LottieTomlinson you deserve all the good Lou! Looking forward to meeting who's making you so happy;)
Louist91 @felicitegrace can't wait for next week Fizz ❤️ @lottietomlinson shut it you !
Loussangel @lottietomlinson WHAT?! Tell us what you know Lottie!!
Lousluv haha I love how Lottie stirs shit but I'm happy for you Louis!💗
Beberexha Love this Louis💛
Liampayne Sick shoot mate! You should post the others!! And you're practically glowing mate! Proper happy for you☺️
Harrystyles I love everything about this💙 Give us more of the shoot!
Louist91 @harrystyles anything for you love x
Loussunshine LoVe??
11 December 2019

Louist91 I like getting excited about things again :)View all 793,178 commentsLtw2891 do you always look this angelic?? It's unfair😭Felicitegrace happy you're happy💜LottieTomlinson you deserve all the good Lou! Looking forward to meeting who's m...

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Louist91 as promised 💚
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Liampayne I knew you'd post;) haha thanks tommo i asked too!!
Lwt2891 what's with the green hearts now? I thought it was always blue:( jw☺️💗
Loussunshine awh this is too cute!!💚💙
Harrystyles I'm smiling, I love this shoot Lou 💙
Lottietomlinson @harrystyles hey;) I've heard a lot about you!
Louist91 @lottietomlinson
sod off ! @harrystyles you should always be smiling :)
Loussangel What is going on😭
Lwtommo_24 @lwt2891 I'm thinking it's bc of Harry💚💙
11 December 2019

Louist91 as promised 💚View all 672,106 commentsLiampayne I knew you'd post;) haha thanks tommo i asked too!!Lwt2891 what's with the green hearts now? I thought it was always blue:( jw☺️💗Loussunshine awh this is too cute!!💚💙Harrystyles I'm smil...

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Harrystyles can't wait💚
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Jadethirwall this is so adorable!! I can't even😭💗
Hstyles you are perfect Harry! This is so cute🥰
Niallhoran Ty Niall for taking this great pic I'll even tag u to make sure everyone knows how great a friend you are!
Annetwist my baby, you look so lovely Haz❤️
Zayn can't wait for what H?;)
Harrystyles @niallhoran Sorry Nialler! Love and appreciate you haha!! @annetwist miss you❤️ and thank you mum xx @zayn you know what!
Perrieedwards wow a little flower child💜
Niallhoran @harrystyles still yw:)
Louist91 this is very cute Hazza 💚wonder what you're so excited for ?
Harrystyles @louist91 thank you Loubear and I wonder😂💙
Loussunshine Nicknames?!😭🥺 I'm already so invested in this ship!! Pls someone give us this🧡
Niallhoran @loussunshine I'm captain! #Larry
Loussunshine @niallhoran oh god! you're Harry's friend!! Hey! And ofc you can be captain🧡🧡 #Larry
11 December 2019


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