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Louist91 can't wait for tomorrow !! Throw back to last years tour looking forward to this one:)
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LottieTomlinson I think everyone's looking forward to tmw Lou, especially mum!💗 I'm so excited!!
Loussangel I was at that show😭 I can't wait to see you again Louis!💙
Harrystyles what a cutie:) tomorrow should be fun💙
Louist91 @harrystyles well aren't you lovely ! Haha lots of things happening tomorrow very excited 💚
BebeRexha looking forward to hearing it!🥰
Mrsjohannadeakin so proud of you Lou! The song sounds amazing and I hope tomorrow is just as great❤️
28louis anyone else get the feeling something else is happening tmw??? But still can't wait to hear #DLIBYH 💙💙
Loussun @larrystylinson any ideas about what might be happening?!! We need answers😭 are Harry and Louis actually together??
The.daisytomlinson I love the song so much Lou can't wait for everyone to hear it too💜
Liampayne hope it goes great mate:)
Larrystylinson @loussun no idea what's happening tmw lovely:( But I've got lots of updates about them over on my page!💚💙
16 December 2019

daisytomlinson I love the song so much Lou can't wait for everyone to hear it too💜Liampayne hope it goes great mate:)Larrystylinson @loussun no idea what's happening tmw lovely:( But I've got lots of updates about them over on my page!💚💙16 Dece...

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texts 16/12/19
Loubear🌻, Hazza☀️

So tomorrow is good? Is your mum okay with me coming?

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