💚Onehundred seven💙

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"Come on, when you know, you know,"

"All the lonely shadow dances from the cradle to the grave,"

"It's a solo song and it's only for the brave."

As the song ends cheers erupt throughout the crowd, Louis' grinning brightly while fans scream and chant louder than he's ever heard them before but then the lights are cut and the cheers turn into sudden gasps.

Everyone is so confused, beyond it actually, whispers and mummers echo around the arena, questioning what was going on.

Louis breaths out nervously, he's terrified, he honestly wants to run and hideaway but then he looks over to the side of the stage and remembers what he's doing all of this for. He takes a deep breath before he clears his throat and the crowd around him quietens. He truly can't believe that this is finally happening.

"You know, when I were a kid all I ever wanted to be was happy." He started, his voice shakey as he stared out at the dark crowd before him. "Whenever someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up or what I saw when I thought about the future, I'd always tell them that. I just wanted to be happy. Lookin' back I feel for that kid, honestly I do, because he ain't got any idea about half the shit that's headed his way."

As Louis took another deep breath he could hear the faint whispers surrounding him, he squeezed his eyes closed as he continued, "I never believed I'd make it this far, it's a little funny to me sometimes, I'm just some kid from Donny. Not many people make it out of me hometown, it could have been anyone standin' here in front of you lot but here I am. I think what terrifies me the most about all of this, is losing you, the fans, the ones that have always had me back. You lot mean so fuckin' much to me, you truly do cause you've got me through some of the darkest times of my life, so I can only hope that you'll stick by me through this next chapter too."

The room fell silent after that, nothing but Louis' shakey breaths could be heard. The singer held the gaze of every single person in that arena, all of them unable to tear their eyes away from the dimly lit stage before them.

"I just wanna make that small kid from Doncaster proud. I want to be able to say that I'm happy but happiness means being free and to be free, you've gotta be brave."

The lights slowly lifted around him, casting dark shadows across the entire stage in a blue and green hue. Louis slowly made his way to the side of the stage where the person he loved most stood with a proud smile and teary eyes. The older boy reached out his arm and immediately felt the familiar hand intertwine with his.

The crowd erupted in loud gasps once they caught sight of the two, unable to comprehend what was actually happening. Harry emerged with Louis, the two kept close, seeking comfort in one another, as they walked to the centre of the stage.

Harry could hear his heart beating in his ears as he looked out at all the shocked faces before him, his grip on Louis tightened and the older boy pulled him even closer.

"For a long time I've kept apart of meself hidden away, not because I was ashamed but because I was scared. I've had so many people tell me that I'd never make it to where I am if I told people, that it would only keep me down. I fought it for a long time at first, I honestly did but things happen and I just wasn't strong enough. But I am now." Louis breathed out a short breath before turning to face Harry, who was looking back at him in admiration- awe.

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