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Celebnews Some fans spotted Louis Tomlinson with a certain curly haired 'friend' of his again today! The two haven't been spotted together in a while, we were beginning to wonder if the popstar had gotten bored! One source told us that the pair looked rather coupley while out shopping this morning. So is there actually something burning between the two? Louis still has yet to comment about the New Year's Eve incident but maybe this is them just confirming suspicions?
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Louiswtommo Louis looks really cute here🤩💙
Lousssunshine just leave them be honestly ur always looking for a story.
Tommo91 🙄🙄
Louandi they just look like mates? Louis can't have friends without making it into something more??
Tomlinsonlou "curly haired 'friend'" honestly🙄 His name is Harry and he seems like a really lovely guy, he makes Lou happy and that's all that matters:)
Larryshipper I have no words.
Hazstyles His name is Harry! At least have the decency to name him if you're going to write about him and his personal life:)
09 January 2020

 Hazstyles His name is Harry! At least have the decency to name him if you're going to write about him and his personal life:) 09 January 2020

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Louist91 Instagram story - Close friends

—Louist91 Instagram story - Close friends

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