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Friday finally came, Louis had been both excited and nervous all week, he just hoped that the fans loved the album as much as he did.

He had invited his sisters down to come and watch, so they were all running about his house just trying to get ready. Louis was good to go, he had to leave earlier than the girls to get there before the fans, and he was also picking Harry up on his way.

"Alright you lot, I'm leaving now! Li will be here soon to grab you so be good and don't drive him insane! He's picking up Harry's mates too so be nice!" Louis shouted out as he headed towards the front door.

He chuckled when he heard them all shout back their goodbyes and wish him good luck. Then he was off.

Harry was dressed and ready, sat on his sofa listening to Niall and Zayn bicker about who was going to use the shower first. He just hoped they'd be ready in time, Liam was sure to wait around for them because he was too sweet not to and Harry didn't want them showing up late.

"Ni let Zee go first! He needs to do his hair after so he'll take longer to get ready." Harry called out. The bickering stopped and then Harry heard a loud huff come from the hallway before the bathroom door was slammed shut. Harry laughed lightly as he watched Niall trudge his way over to the kitchen.

"Don't be grumpy Nialler, thought you were excited to hear the album?" Harry giggled as a pouting Niall walked into the living room in only his boxers, eating cereal straight out of the box.

"I am excited! I already know it's gunna be sick." Niall replied, not caring to finish his food before he spoke.

"I know, I'm really excited too." Harry smiled brightly, "Oh and Ni? Please don't be late, Li will be here soon and Lou's sisters will be with him."

Niall nodded happily, "We'll be fine Haz, I'm looking forward to meeting his sisters, hope I can get a couple embarrassing stories about Louis from them."

Harry chuckled as he shook his head in amusement, "They're the sweetest, just don't annoy them!"

"I won't!" Niall laughed loudly and before he could speak up again the door sounded.

Harry grinned as he stood up and headed over to answer it. He swung the door open and found Louis waiting on the other side, a small smile on his face.

"Hey boo." Harry greeted as Louis pulled him in for a hug.

"Heya Haz, you ready then?" Louis questioned as he pulled away from the taller boy.

Harry nodded, "Yeah, just let me grab my phone." Before heading back into the living room, Louis following after.

"Hey Tommo!" Niall exclaimed happily from where he was sat on the armchair, still only wearing his boxers.

"Hey Ni. You trying to steal my thunder tonight by showing up in just your pants?" Louis laughed.

"Yeah mate, no one will be able to take their eyes off me!" Niall grinned, letting a small chuckle slip, "But good luck for tonight, it's gonna be great."

"Thank you, I honestly hope so." Louis smiled and then Harry was ready to go. The taller boy stood beside him, phone in hand, looking lovely.

"Alright Ni, we'll see you later then! Tell Zee I said bye and remember what I said!." Harry told Niall, who simply nodded in agreement and shouted a loud goodbye just before Harry and Louis were out the door.

It wasn't too long a drive before they reached the secret location, there weren't many people about right now, but it was yet to be released to the winners.

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