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The past few days have been devastating, but it's not just today or this week, things like this are always happening, they've been happening for a very long time. Racism isn't something that's in the past, it hasn't ever gone away, innocent people are losing their lives because of the colour of their skin and we need to speak up, because this is truly horrifying.

I wanted to use this platform to ask people to sign petitions, donate, speak out. It's time for change, this senseless hate needs to stop, please do all you can.

The hate needs to end. We have an opportunity to act, to never give up so that future generations may taste equality in it's purest form. Speak out, and speak out now. Every single being deserves to live equally, to not be afraid, to know that they are safe in the world they live in. Black lives matter, but how many more innocent lives are going to be taken before people listen? Speak up.

Pray for all the brave people who are protesting right now, for the ones fighting their very hardest for a change.

I hope everyone's okay and safe💗

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