Onehundred four🌻

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24th June
Louis woke up to sunlight beaming through his curtains, he smiled sleepily as he rubbed at his tired eyes. Harry was right beside him, dark curls contrasting against the white pillowcase, his face buried in the crevice of Louis' neck. The older boy smiled down at him, letting his fingertips dance along the exposed skin of his shoulder, tracing the dark ink there and counting the few freckles.

This was something Louis knew he would never get over, waking up to the person he loved wrapped in his arms. He placed a small kiss to the side of the boys head, nuzzling his face into the soft curls before pulling away to admire his boyfriend.

He watched the way the sunlight glistened against his milky skin, highlighting his strong features. He saw how Harry's nose twitched ever so slightly in his sleep causing Louis to lean in and press a soft peck to it's bridge. The boys eyelashes were long and dark, casting a shadow across his rosy cheeks. The way Harry pouted his lips in his sleep drove the older lad crazy, and Louis couldn't stop himself from running a hand through the younger boys dark brown locks.

Louis was content with just laying there all day long, listening to the calming shallow breaths that escaped Harry's plump lips but soon enough the younger boy started to stir. His eyes fluttered open to reveal the bright green hue Louis loved.

"Hey love." Louis whispered softly, letting his hand travel down from the boys head of hair to his freckled cheekbone, running a thumb across the supple skin there.

Harry grinned sleepily, showing off his dimples and white teeth, before rubbing at his eyes and burying his face further into Louis' chest. The older lad laughed as he wrapped his arms around Harry's torso, pulling him impossibly close. The green eyed boy hummed in contentment before peppering small kisses across Louis' neck and shoulders, knowing how much the older boy loved it. He soon pulled away to press a chaste kiss to the boys lips before smiling, "Morning Loubear. Ready for today?"

Louis listened to the tired voice, smiling at the way it deepened and trailed off near the end, laced with sleep. "Think so, just hope it all works out." He confessed as he looked into those familiar green eyes.

Harry sent him a soft smile before replying, "Me too."

The two laid there for a little longer before they finally got up and started getting ready for the long day ahead.

"Lou?" A loud voice called out into the large home before it was followed by a couple more

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"Lou?" A loud voice called out into the large home before it was followed by a couple more.

Louis and Harry emerged from behind a white wall once the voices called out again, they stepped into the hallway and smiled madly when they caught sight of Jay and the girls.

"Hey!" Louis greeted loudly as he rushed over to welcome his family, Harry not too far behind him, "Thought you wouldn't get here til later!" He went one by one through his sisters handing out warm hugs before pressing a kiss to his mums cheek.

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