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Celebnews This picture was posted on an Instagram story last night at @liampayne New Year's Eve party! The story was very quickly deleted but fans all saw it, we were lucky to have a source pass it along to us!
So does this confirm the rumours surrounding Louis Tomlinson and the up and coming model Harry Styles? Are the two actually dating? Or is this just a show of affection between 'platonic' friends?
They seem to be rather close in this photo, you can see Styles cuddling up close and kissing Tomlinson on the cheek! We're wondering what else happened at this party👀
Fans of the two are going crazy over on twitter but nothing has been confirmed or denied yet. We're just thanking the person who accidentally leaked the image to the world!
So does this prove that #Larry is in fact real?
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Larrystylinson poor Niall he must feel so horrible:( but this is such a couples picture like it makes me really happy to see them like this❤️
Greenmeetsblue #larryisreal💚💙
Louwtommo if they aren't together why delete the story? It just makes it look more suspicious to me😬
Hazstyles I get everyone wants to know the truth, I do too, but they obviously aren't ready to say anything on the matter. The story was deleted for a reason, we should respect their decision💚
28tommo 'platonic' friends wow😂 idk whether to find it funny or disgusting? What if they are just really close friends I'm so confused??
Loussangel the picture doesn't tell us anything really apart from the fact they're close:) plus they look drunk too x
Hstyles I'm happy for the two of them either way❤️
01 January 2020

 The story was deleted for a reason, we should respect their decision💚28tommo 'platonic' friends wow😂 idk whether to find it funny or disgusting? What if they are just really close friends I'm so confused??Loussangel the picture doesn't tell us ...

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