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Louist91 good to be back home ! Who's looking forward to the album ?💙 #walls
📷 harrystyles
View all 341,721 comments
Lwtomlinson how do you always look so amazing😭💙
Loussangel I so excited for the album! Already preordered💙💙
Greenmeetsblue you're with Harry!🥰💚💙
Liampayne great photo Haz! Lou can't wait to hear some of the new stuff😉
91loutommo ^more new music?? The album too😭
Limabean wow Lou looking good❤️
LottieTomlinson if it sounds anything like the last I can't wait💗 You made them so happy Lou!
28lwt What?? Who?? @lottietomlinson
02 January 2020

Louist91 good to be back home ! Who's looking forward to the album ?💙 #walls📷 harrystyles View all 341,721 commentsLwtomlinson how do you always look so amazing😭💙Loussangel I so excited for the album! Already preordered💙💙Greenmeetsblue you'r...

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Texts 02/01/20
Mumma🐻, Harry❤️

Heya Haz
Just thought I'd check in love x
How's everything?

I'm okay mum just a little crazy right now xx
But how are you and Gem?

Awh love I saw it online you coping okay?
And I'm fine and Gems busy with work xx

I'm glad:)
Me and Lou have spoken about it all
It's scary to see how much my life would change if we told the fans
But I know he'd be there for me
Still I'm questioning what I should do x

It will work out lovely x
Just follow your heart
If things are meant to be they'll be but don't let things get between you and the one you care about xx

Thank you mum I needed that xx
I love you and I miss you so much!!
Can't believe how much I miss you haha it's been only been three days!

Miss you too sweetheart!
But you can come visit soon❤️
You and Louis if you're both up for it x

I'd have to talk to him he has so much to do this month with the album but I definitely will xx

Good xx
What are you up to today then?

I'm actually at Lou's now
He's working on music
I might be helping!☺️

That's great honey!
Well go and enjoy yourselves I'll talk to you later xx

Okay mum love you lots xx



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Harrystyles smiles all round:)
View all 19,725 comments
Louistommo you have an insanely cute smile🥰
Hazstyles you look so great here Harry!💚
The.phoebetomlinson you look so cute H☺️💜
Harrystyles @the.phoebetomlinson thank you pheebs!❤️
Greenandblue are you gunna address the rumours?💚💙
Larrystylinson @greenandblue I think we should leave it, they aren't ready to talk about it yet:)
Loussunshine dimples😭
Gemmastyles you look really happy here Haz I wonder why😂❤️
Harrystyles @gemmastyles don't know what you mean:)❤️
Hstyles how are you so prefect🥺💚
Niallhoran the curls are back!
02 January 2020

phoebetomlinson thank you pheebs!❤️Greenandblue are you gunna address the rumours?💚💙Larrystylinson @greenandblue I think we should leave it, they aren't ready to talk about it yet:) Loussunshine dimples😭Gemmastyles you look really happy here Ha...

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