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It was the twenty fourth of December, better known as Louis' birthday. Harry and Louis had driven up from London together, over the past week the two had arranged to spend their holidays together.

That meant Louis' family and Harry's family were coming together to celebrate, which also meant that Louis would be meeting Harry's mum and sister, so Louis was shitting himself.

The couple pretty much crashed last night after dinner, the drive had been long and tiring, but it was a great journey. Harry was tucked under Louis' arms in his childhood bedroom when morning came. Louis was still asleep next to him so Harry just laid there tracing the mans tattooed skin.

Harry was happy to be in the arms of his boyfriend and was very excited to celebrate this day with him

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Harry was happy to be in the arms of his boyfriend and was very excited to celebrate this day with him. As much as he wanted this moment to last, he knew that he should probably wake the birthday boy up.

"Lou." Harry hummed as he peppered kisses across the mans neck and face. Louis smiled sleepily, drifting in and out of consciousness. So Harry leaned down to kiss his lips tenderly and sure enough he felt the man kiss back, smiling happily as he did.

Louis pulled Harry closer, clinging to his torso, "Best way to be woken up." He grinned, his eyes still closed as Harry laid his head on his chest.

"Happy birthday Loubear." Harry whispered as he placed a peck to the mans collarbone.

"Thank you lovely." Louis spoke softly, looking down at the boy as he ran his fingers though Harry's hair, "I don't want to get up though." He pouted.

Louis felt Harry giggle and before he could say anything else, the boys were interrupted by the bedroom door swinging open. "Achoo!" Doris called out as she and Ernie waddled in, both of them climbing up onto the bed.

"Hazzie." Ernie grinned as he jumped to hug the boy, then started playing with his messy hair. Harry only chuckled, hugging the small sweet boy back and placing a kiss to his cheek.

"Morning you two! Do you know what day is today Dee?" Louis questioned, a smile playing on his lips. The girl shrugged in response before cuddling up to her brother. She giggled loudly when Louis gasped dramatically. "What do you mean you don't know?!"

Harry leaned over to whisper in the girls ear while Ernie still clung to him, "It's Achoo's birthday."

"Really?!" Doris asked excitedly, Harry laughed and nodded at the little girl.

"Hazzie tell me!" Ernie pouted jealously, so Harry whispered it to him also, chuckling at the boys surprised face. "Happy birthday!" He screamed before jumping on his big brother, Doris joining in too.

Harry watched them fondly, they were all so adorable, he loved how much Louis cared about them.

"Thank you! So you didn't forget then?" Louis eyed them playfully.

"Never!" Ernie told him, the two twins looked up at Harry and giggled, thinking Louis wasn't in on their little secret.

"Come on then, let me and Haz get ready and we'll come down, yeah?" Louis smiled, the two of them nodded happily and ran out of the room giggling.

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