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Weeks passed, Louis got busy with his album promo and getting ready for tour, Harry was trying his best to balance uni with his career. They always tried to make time as they couldn't see much of each other but there were always texts and calls.

It was one of those days where everything was just going horribly wrong for Harry. Louis was set to go on tour in two days time and Harry hadn't seen him in nearly two weeks, so that was playing on his mind a lot. Then his essay, that he worked so hard on, got accidentally deleted, so he had to spend the entire night rewriting it all so he wouldn't fail his class. When he woke up, he saw that his alarm hadn't gone off and he was really late to his first lecture. When he jumped in the shower the hot water was gone so he practically froze to death. Things just got worse from there, from missing the tube to spilling his coffee all down his white T-shirt, it was just a shit day, but most of his days had been shitty recently.

Harry huffed as he exited the university building after his last lecture, he was exhausted. All he wanted to do was go home and have a really good cry. Zayn and Niall quickly joined him and the three headed off home, stopping at a nearby cafe to grab some food.

While Zayn and Niall went up to order, Harry took a seat, deciding to scroll through twitter instead of joining his mates. That's when his day got a whole lot worse. All over twitter people were talking about him. To be specific, his and Louis' relationship.

Apparently not being seen together meant that they had 'broken up', Harry furrowed his brow at that, they weren't even publicly together yet. They had made plans to do it in the summer, when Louis had a break from tour and Harry was done with uni. Harry just went through all the tweets, so many were berating him, saying that he had never been good enough for the singer. He was just led down a rabbit hole, he couldn't stop and he couldn't help but think that what they were saying was true. He wasn't good enough for Louis.

Harry hadn't even noticed that he was crying until his breathing quickened and he started to panic, the tears wouldn't stop. He pulled up the hem of his T-shirt to wipe at his face, but he couldn't control his tears and once a quiet sob slipped from his lips, he decided that he couldn't take being in the cafe any longer. He picked up his things and practically ran out of the door, completely forgetting about his two best mates.

He didn't care for anyone as he rushed through the streets of people, just letting his tears fall, desperately wanting to get home.

When he finally did reach his front door he had a difficult time opening it, which only made him cry harder. He couldn't breath, he didn't know if it was from running or because he was on the verge of breaking down, but as he finally got the door open he just cracked. He slammed it behind him as he fell to his knees and sobbed, not caring about the ridiculous sounds he was making, he didn't care anymore.

When his sobs finally died out and all he was left with were snotty sniffles, he dragged himself off to his room, locked his door and curled up in a ball in the comfort of his bed. As he laid there, he thought about everything that was going wrong in his life and the tears started again. The house was eerily quiet as he silently cried himself to sleep.

He woke up to the soft knocks of Zayn calling for him from the other side of the door. He didn't move though, just let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. He figured he had been asleep for a while, the afternoon sun was now gone and replaced by a dark night sky.

"H? I know that you're in there, what happened mate?" Zayn asked as he heard Harry shift slightly on the bed. Still Harry said nothing.

Zayn sighed before trying once more, "We'll be here when you're ready to talk Haz." That was all that was said before a light shuffling was heard and Harry guessed that Zayn had finally walked away. He could hear faint mumbles from further in the house, he felt bad for ignoring his friends but he just couldn't deal with anything right now.

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