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It was finally Thursday. Harry was really nervous, but so, so, excited at the same time. Louis was coming at one, and Harry still wasn't sure how he was going to react to the singer turning up at his doorstep.

It was twelve and Harry had just stepped out of the shower, his hair was dripping wet and droplets of water clung to his tattooed torso.

"Niall!" Harry called out from where he stood in front of his wardrobe, he was so stuck on what to wear. He wanted Louis to like him, to think he was pretty, he just wanted to look good.

"What?" Niall questioned as he waltzed into the green eyed boys bedroom. He raised a brow at Harry, who just pouted and pointed to the rail of clothing. "Help."

Niall just chuckled, telling the boy to style his hair while he picked out his outfit. "Done! Be quick though Haz, you won't be wanting Zee and I to open the door." The blonde smirked as he headed quickly down the stairs.

That sped Harry up! His hair looked really good, the short hair was easy to work with, he had recently cut it but he wanted to grow it out again.

Looking down at the clothing Niall had laid out on his bed, he smiled, knowing that he made the right choice by asking Niall for help. He pulled on a pair of his best black skinny jeans, along with a plain black tee, and a check flannel to complete the outfit.

Looking in the mirror, he beamed, he was finally happy with how he looked. As he placed his rings on his fingers, he heard the doorbell go, he sighed as he still was yet to put on his boots. Harry could hear voices from downstairs, he visibly gulped as his heart skipped a beat once he heard a sweet Yorkshire accent travel through the house.

Harry threw on his boots as quick as he could, checked himself in his mirror one last time before he went downstairs, stumbling slightly. He was so nervous, his heart was in his throat as he approached the living room.

Walking in, there Louis was, back turned to him as he spoke to the two lads on the sofa. Zayn noticed him first, "Hey H, you good?"

At that, Louis span around, his eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful boy before him. Harry gave him a dimpled smile making the older lad melt. "Hey." Harry breathed out, giving a small wave before he just went in for a hug.

"Hey!" Louis greeted, quickly accepting the warm welcoming arms. Niall and Zayn watched the duo, grinning at one another before Niall spoke up, "So where you lot off to?"

The boys pulled apart giving small smiles, "Uh, it's a surprise actually." Louis chuckled as he watched Harry get all excited.

Harry wasn't as nervous anymore, he couldn't wait to spend time with Louis, he was ready to go. It was strange but seeing the Yorkshire lad standing in his living room, looking comfortable around his friends, it made the whole thing seem less daunting. "Well, we better be off, see you two later!" Harry smiled as he took Louis' soft hand in his leading him outside.

"Excited?" Louis grinned as he pulled the front door shut behind him. Harry looked down at their intertwined hands and blushed at his bold gesture. He was about to pull away until Louis squeezed his hand in reassurance, unlocking the large Range Rover as he tugged the boy along.

Harry just giggled as he was led over to the car, he really loved the vehicle, it was matte black and really sleek. Louis, the gentleman he is, opened his door for him and once a blushing Harry was seated, he swiftly closed it behind him and headed round to the drivers side.

Harry couldn't take the smile off his face as they drove through the streets of London to the unknown location. The boy had tried to get Louis to spill but the older lad would just chuckle and shake his head.

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