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Weeks slowly passed and things started to look up for the boys. Harry was taking his time with recovering, he had been speaking to a therapist once a week it seemed to have really helped, they even spoke about the hate he receives in the media. It was a sensitive topic for Harry but Louis always made him feel loved and needed, even on his lowest days. The hate from Louis' fans had lessened since Louis' tweet but things didn't just vanish. Once Harry got back onto social media he kind of wish he hadn't. It caused a major setback for him and that's when everyone knew that he needed some professional help. He had his family and friends by his side the entire time, they gave him all the strength he needed. Louis supported him through it all, never leaving him once, the older lad sat with him when he couldn't sleep at night and was there when Harry struggled the most, the two only grew closer.

Tour was starting back up and both Harry and Louis were very excited. The younger boy had never really traveled much so he was really looking forward to seeing the world, he was just so happy to be joining Louis on tour. The university was more than happy to allow him to continue his work online while he was away and had been very supportive when Harry needed some time off. Things were going good.

"Hey Lou..." Harry called out from the bathroom where he was trying to tame his much longer hair. It had grown quite long since Louis had returned, he loved it and Louis seemed to really like it too.

"Yeah Haz?" Louis asked as he wandered into the bathroom and over to the sink, snaking his arms around the boys waist.

Harry grinned, "Just wanted to know when we were leaving." He told the older lad as they swayed side to side ever so slightly. Harry caught Louis' soft smile in the mirror and he returned the gesture.

Louis had really missed seeing the boy smile, ever since he came back home Harry's smile had always been there but it never quite reached his eyes. So whenever the boy would laugh or grin now Louis' heart would beat faster, sometimes he felt like crying and other times he joined Harry, just because he could. The amount of love he had for the boy scared him sometimes but there was no place he'd rather be.

"We've got about twenty minutes until the cars here." Louis told him as he placed a tender kiss to the back of the boys neck.

Harry beamed at the gesture before turning around in his boyfriends arms, he wrapped his own around the older lads neck. "Love you." He whispered even though they were the only two in the house.

Louis chuckled lightly before placing a peck on the boys lips, "Love you too." He whispered back. "Come on love, let's get the cases downstairs."

Harry nodded reluctantly and the two boys headed back out into the bedroom, a room the two boys practically shared now. They hadn't spoken much about living together, it just came pretty naturally to the pair. Louis didn't mind having Harry there, in fact he loved it, didn't ever want the boy to leave.

"You spoken to Liam?" Harry asked as he shut one of his cases and lugged it off the bed.

"Uhuh, yeah, just got of the phone with him." Louis replied as he rounded up his belongings. "He'll meet us there."

Harry smiled, "Can't wait."

"Me either love. I think you're gunna love it, it's tiring at times but so fucking fun." Louis told him as they both dragged their cases out of the bedroom and down the large staircase.

"I hope so but it's always fun with you Lou." Harry grinned making Louis laugh.

"Better be." The older lad chuckled as he made his way over to the front door. "Cars here!" He told Harry as he wiggled his brows excitedly at him, the younger lad laughed and the two made their way outside.

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