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After Louis' birthday lunch, everyone headed back to Jays, where they spent the rest of the day watching movies.

About an hour into a film, the door knocked, Jay answered it while everyone else decided to chuck their popcorn at one another.

"Lou!" Jay called out from the hallway, Louis jumped up after giving Harry a quick peck. He wandered out into the hall to find one of his best mates at the door. "Stan!" Louis exclaimed as he rushed over and gave the man a hug.

"Heya mate! Thought you might be in, been a while right?" Stan laughed. It had been just over a year and a half since Louis had last seen him, they had been friends since primary school and with Louis' career they hardly ever saw each other.

"Too long! How are you mate?" Louis grinned as he led the man into the kitchen, his mum following behind them.

"I'm good, busy with work but good. How's the life of a popstar treating ya?" Stan asked, a big smile stretched across his face.

"Good, it's good lad." Louis chuckled, "It's been hectic but I'm happy."

Stan nodded, "I've seen! So it's true then? You've finally bagged yourself a boyfriend?" He teased as the two men sat at the kitchen table.

"Ah! Yeah, his names Harry, he's great mate, honestly. Haven't spoken out about it yet but I've never been so happy." Louis told Stan truthfully, his smile brightening when he spoke of the boy that had stolen his heart.

Jay leaned back against the counter, smiling fondly at her son, she could just see how much the sweet boy had changed him for the better. Louis looked so different since meeting Harry, everyone could see it. It was like he had a whole new outlook on life, as if he had finally found all the light he was missing in the world.

"That's amazing Lou, you deserve it mate. I'd love to meet the lad." Stan smiled.

"He's here, in the living room with the girls and Ernie." Louis replied cheerfully, he was so glad that Stan had come around, he hadn't realised how much he'd missed him.

"Go get him then!" Stan chuckled.

"Alright." Louis laughed, he gestured to his mum that he'd be back before heading into the living room. He found Harry cuddled up with the youngest twins, Ernie on one knee, Doris on the other. He snapped a quick picture secretly so he could send it to his mum later before trailing over to the trio.

"Haz." Louis whispered, trying not to disturb everyone else as they all seemed to be pretty engrossed in the film that was playing. Harry looked up at the man. "Yeah?"

"I need you for a sec." Louis told him, Harry just gestured to the two children clinging to his torso, Louis just laughed lightly. "Hey Dee, can you and Ernie give me Hazza for a second?"

The twins pouted but reluctantly agreed once Louis told them Harry would be back in a minute.

"They love you more than me!" Louis whisper yelled as he helped Harry stand up.

"I can't help it if I'm their new favourite." Harry shrugged, a smug smile gracing his lips, earning a playful shove off his boyfriend. The two giggled quietly.

"Listen, one of my best mates just came round, haven't seen him in ages. If it's okay, I'd love to introduce you?" Louis asked hopefully.

Harry nodded, "Sure, I'd love that." He replied as he sent the boy a reassuring smile. Louis returned the gesture before pulling him along and into the kitchen.

Walking in they found Jay and Stan sat at the table, four cups of tea sat with them.

"Stan, this is Harry. Haz, this is Stan." Louis introduced, pointing between the pair.

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